Chapter 3

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Metty found a table for two by the window and sat down. She put her heavy backpack on the floor, flexing her shoulders to relax. She took a PB&J and a canned soda out of an insulated lunch bag. She popped the tab on the soda and took a long swallow, relishing the cool fizz after the August heat.

"Alexei," said the server at the pick-up counter. Alexei thanked the young man and got his meal. He started towards Metty's table. Heads turned as a young woman with dark hair and a creamy complexion cut him off. His smile lit up his face. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Metty tried to remember the girl's name.

"Hello, Alexei."

"Hello, Jessica. I heard you'd come to Charleston. I've been longing to see you."

"Here I am, Alexei." The girl was Jessica Winston. Rear Admiral Hiram Winston's daughter. The girl who knocked Madison into second place for most beautiful. She'd spent the summer studying abroad. Apparently, she had a 4.0+ average. Beautiful, wealthy, desirable, genius. How do some girls get so much? I don't know if I could even begin to handle a piece of it. Metty stopped eating while she listened to them talk, wondering how this beautiful woman knew Alexei. Naturally, Jessica would know the prince's family.

"My sorority, the ETAs, are hosting a welcome party this Friday." Alexei flushed. "Come. Bring Marco." She smiled without a hint of guile.

Alexei's face fell slightly, but he smiled again. Metty's heart beat a little faster. He had a warm smile, although Jessica had somehow hurt his feelings.

"I'll ask him. I'll call and let you know."

Jessica smiled, and the room watched her. "We're going to the movie at the Student Union Saturday night. Both of you come."

"We have guests for dinner Friday. Then we're going to the beach house Saturday. We'll try to make the party Friday after the dinner."

"Please do. I haven't seen Marco in so long. Till Friday." She walked out of the café. Heads turned to follow her.

"I haven't seen you in a long time," Alexei whispered. Metty just caught his words. He, too, had a crush on the stunning Jessica, who was in pursuit of Marco. Metty wondered how Marco felt about Jessica.

Alexei sat down with tea and yogurt. He spooned fruit from his yogurt and began to eat. Metty bit her PB&J. Strawberry jelly oozed onto her lips, and she licked it off.

She swallowed the mouthful and said, "We have to write a travel piece on Charleston," she said. "Tourist attractions, restaurant reviews. Three locations. Do you have any preferences?"

"No," said Alexei. "My family owns property here, so I have visited Charleston often. We, Marco and I, are staying with our cousin, Ava Reynolds, who lives near the college. Her husband teaches here. I wouldn't know what places to suggest."

"Professor Reynolds in the Math Department?"

Alexei nodded and ate yogurt.

"He's so nice." I didn't know he married a prince's cousin.

"Are you from here?"

"My mother is," Metty said. "We moved here when I was nine, when Dad retired from the Air Force. I'm living in West Ashley with my grandmother until I graduate, but I grew up in West Summerville. Too far to commute by bus." Stop babbling. Shut up. His eyes are so blue. And his smile so fine.

"Sometimes local people know the best places. Sometimes they pass them by."

"Maybe we need a theme."

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