Chapter 73

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Metty threw away the remains of the shrimp dinners they'd bought, hers hardly touched. Neither had wanted to eat in a restaurant, or shop for groceries. Alexei tied the trash bag and walked outside to the garbage can.

Metty finished wiping the counters before he returned. She washed her hands, sliding aside so he could wash his. She dried her hands with a dishcloth and handed it to him.

"It's almost 9:30," he said. "It has been a long, long day."

"Very long. I think I'll rest. I don't want to watch any TV. Do you think we'll be on the news?"

He sighed. "We'll find out in the morning. Ms. Carraldo at the Press Office thinks we're little potatoes."

"Ha, ha, ha-ha. Small potatoes." Laughing, something eased inside her. She was glad to be with Alexei.

He grinned at her. "Small potatoes, little potatoes. In our own world of Metty and Alexei, we're spring potatoes."

Her smile widened. "In our world, red spring potatoes."

He leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed him back, wanting him suddenly. She'd thought desire was impossible on such a day. He drew back, looking at her, searching. She pulled him to her, stood on tiptoe and kissed him eagerly, clinging to him. He kissed her again and again, holding her closely, and lowered her to the kitchen floor.


Jessica put the Olympiakos World down, gloating. Madison and Marco were their own worst enemies, and that bumpkin, Metty, was going to be trolled over this article. Not by her. She would take advantage of scandal, but always appear sympathetic, especially to Marco. If Marco eluded her, there was always Alexei. Better than nothing. He had always wanted her.

She checked the article by-line. Nuño Oranillo, writer and photographer. An extremely audacious and successful paparazzo, detested by royalty, politicians, and celebrities alike. He specialized in royal and noble families, favoring the Almurian Royal Family. She noted his name and news service for future reference. She could say she wanted to avoid him.

She booted up her laptop and opened the Olympiakos World website. She read more about Marco. Alexei's coverage was fizzling out. Compared to Marco, he was small potatoes. He wasn't heir to the throne. He was actually out of the line of succession, which was limited to men, making Princess Sancha unable to inherit. She'd learned the plans to change that had been stalled again by Prince Juan's in-laws. Pity.

She entered an address on the dark web that was untraceable and snuck into the private website of the Royal Family. She read emails, reports, and transcripts of meetings relating to the articles. She took no notes, not wanting anyone to find them. Her memory was superb, though, and she'd remember. Satisfied, she disconnected.

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