Skin And Bone

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Evelyn's POV:

I sat on the dinner table and stared at my food as my parents ate theirs. Looked at my glass of water and started chugging it. "I'm going to go get some juice. " I said as I stood up.

I went into the kitchen and got a little plastic bag and put my glass in the sink. I went back to the dinner table and my mom looked at me. "Weren't you getting juice. "

"I decided not to. " I said and she nodded. I sat down and started to talk about my day and I pretended to eat. They were both paying attention to what I had to say that they didn't notice me putting all my food inside a on my lap instead of my mouth.

"The food was great mom. " I said. I quietly tied the baggie up the put it in the pockets of my hoodie and stood up with my plate to put it in the sink.

I went upstairs and put the baggie in my school bag to throw it out before school.

I sighed and sat on my bed. I looked at the mirror that was on the wall and stared at myself. I stood up and got closer to the mirror.

I lifted up my very baggie hoodie and looked at my body. "Fat... " I mumbled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I had lost quite alot of weight to the point that none of my bottoms fit me anymore but I was still so fat!

"Morning mom! " I said as I came down stairs with my backpack. "Morning hunny, your dad went to tye studio early and as you know filming ended a while back. Want me to drop you off? "

She said and I nodded. "Aren't you going to eat breakfast? " I shook my head and just took a tangerine.

"This will be enough. I eat lunch at school anyway." I said and she nodded.

She looked at me for a moment. "Its hot out baby. " she said. I looked at my hoodie that was on me. "I get cold at school its fine. Let's go dont want to be late. "

She just nodded. We put our shoes on and went to the car and mom started driving me to school.

"Bye mom. " I said as I got out the car.

I entered school and threw the baggie that was in my bag out in one of the trashcans.

I entered the cafeteria and looked at everyone there. my friends were sitting in theiddle so I walked to them and sat there.

"I got some jeans online but they didn't fit me. " one of them said which caught my attention.

"Really? " she nodded.

"Seriously! Am I to fat or something. " she said and I looked down.

She actually wasn't fat at all. She was thin. She didn't have the right to call herself fat. I'm the one who's fat. She's thin. She's thin...

I looked at the tangerine in my hand and I suddenly heard that voice. "If you eat it you'll gain weight. "

"You'll be so fat and big that you'll need XXXL clothes. "

"And you'll be the ugliest in the world. "

I gulped and put the tangerine down. But the voice didn't stop it just kept on going.

I took a deep breath and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up "Ev? " I suddenly stood up shocking everyone.

"I have stomach bug I need to use the restroom. " I said and took my tangerine.

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