The truth unfold

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Part 2 to she knew

Normally don't mention word count but its like 5449 😂. So it's long.

Tw:self harm, mental illness

Flashback age 12

I felt someone threw something at me and I picked it up. I looked at the person who threw it and she walked over to me.

"I heard you were an orphan. You don't look like it though... " she mumbled as she looked at me.

"I'm not an orphan, I have parents. "

"They aren't your real ones though are they? I mean you look nothing like your sister. With your blond hair and all. " she took a strand of my hair as she said that.

"I don't even know you so please go. " I pushed her hand away from my hair and threw the paper in the trash before going back to my seat.

The bell rang and it was math class. Never really liked it and I don't think I ever will. I huffed and I caught sight of my hair. I picked up a strand and looked at it. It was blond not as blond as it was when I was younger but blond. And my eyes were green.

I wondered if these were my dads or my moms features. My biological ones...

I let go of my hair and shook it off. It doesn't matter. I have my parents and their my everything. My bio parents are only the ones who gave me life. They didn't raise me so it doesn't matter.

I saw the color drain out of Lizzie's face the second I asked that. She drove for abit more and parked where she could.

She turned to me. "What? "

I sighed and looked ahead. "Why'd you leave me? I didn't really want to know since I didn't care but since your here now I want to know the reason. Since curiosity is getting the best of me. " I said that last sentence with a smile.

"What are you talking about Evelyn. "

"I heard you crying and talking about how she'd never forgive you. How she'd hate you. How it'd be better for her not to know. I'm guessing that her is me since Robbie said my name. So since I know now tell me. "

I turned back to her and looked her dead in the eyes. "Why'd you leave me Elizabeth? "

She didn't say anything. So I talked, "I don't resent you. I mean it's not like I grew up in an abusive household or anything. I have a loving family that supports my dreams enough to send me here. But I just want to know the reason. I mean you aren't broke or anything. And you and Robbie are still married so why? "

She took in a shakey breath and turned forward. She rested her head on the steering wheel and took deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself.

I felt bad. She looked like she was about to burst so I felt bad for asking. I cleared my throat. "It's fine, I'm ganna go take the bus now. " I said and opened the car door but she held onto my arm.

"I'll tell you. " she said her voice shakey.

"I'll tell you the reason. "


Robbie was out so I was alone with Evelyn. My new born, everyone calls her an angel and she really is. She really looks like an angel. But whenever I look at her I want to cry.

I don't know why, I'm supposed to be happy but why am I crying.

I stroked her little hand while I breastfeed her. I could feel my breath start to become shakey but I didn't want that.

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