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I was watching bondi beach 😭



Evelyn talked to Robbie who was pumping up her floaty while I was drenching her in sunscreen.

Evelyn is quite pale which was expected but she's even paler then both of us making her skin sensitive.

I put some sunscreen on her before we left the house but it probably wore off now.

And it's hot today. I am not risking anything. "Come on daddy! You to mommy I wanna swim! " Evelyn said impatiently.

I put the last bit of sunscreen and Robbie closed the hole up.

He put the floaty around his arm as he stood up and picked Evelyn up. "Be careful will you. " I said looking up at them.

"We will won't be Ev. " Robbie said looking at her. "Yes! We will. " she said and Robbie walked in.

He was slow since even though Ev liked the sea. She doesn't like how cold it is when you first go in.

She put her arms around Robbie and closed her eyes as her feet got in the water.

I smiled at the view. Robbie put Evelyn down and I'm guessing he told her to dunk since she did while he was holding her around the waist.

He put the floaty around her and she put her arms around it.

I watched her smiling face from afar as Robbie swam with her.

I on the other hand was reading. Soon I saw Evelyn running to me with the floaty. "I don't want it anymore. And mommy you come to it's Boring without you. " she said.

"Someone needs to look at our stuff though."

"I'll stay, I'm tired anyway, she's quite energetic today. " Robbie said walking over while panting.

"No daddy I'm not! Your just old! Isn't she mommy? " I chuckled at the word old.

"I'm not old. " I heard him mumble as he sat down.

Evelyn sighed and pulled my by the hand. "LET'S GO! " and I stood up.

I held her hand as we got in and she wrapped her arms and legs around me like I'm the floaty.

"I wanna go deeper. " she said letting her legs go but still having her arms wrapped.

"We can't it's dangerous for you. Plus you left your floaty back there. "

"I wanted to swim without it. " she said and let a arm go making me instinctively put my hands around her waist.

"Okay we can go to where I can stand. " I said and started going backwards.

I stopped when the water was up to my shoulders.

Evelyn waved her legs around with a smile on her face. "Ew! " she suddenly said and pulled her legs up.

"What? " I asked confused.

"Seaweed! It's yucky mommy. " she said and pushed the seaweed into my leg.

I laughed and pulled her close to me. "It is yucky. " I said since I didn't like how it felt either.

She turned her head to the shore and giggled. I looked to and saw Robbie's feet. He was laying down and the only thing we could see were his feet.

"I wanna try by myself. " she said pushing herself away from me.

Ev knew how to swim but not alot. She just knows since we made her take classes when she was a toddler to make sure we didn't have any accidental drownings.

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