Broken promise

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A request

Tw: school shooting


"Phone." Mom said as she reached out her hand.

We had a fight yesterday because I snuck out with my boyfriend to go to a party. Which led to a fight between me and my dear mother.

"Seriously, seriously. I need my phone like what if I need you to pick me up or or what if I need help. "

My mom sighed "Hunny I highly doubt that come on. I'll give it back to you in afew days so you won't die and I will indeed pick you up after school so it'll be completely fine. Come on hand your phone over. "

I rolled my eyes which my mom responded to with a glare. I gave her my phone and she put it in her bag before we got out the house.

"My mom took my phone away! " I told my boyfriend as I closed my locker door.

"Mine to she also took away my credit card and house key. " he said.

"So we'll only get to meet at school for abit huh. " I said and he nodded.

He put his arm around me and sighed. "That is what we get for sneaking out darling. "

"Indeed, so next time let's not do that. "

I spent the rest of the walk to class venting to my boyfriend as he just listened.

He's a great listener which I love. I kissed him bye as I entered class and was immediately pulled to my seat by my friend as she wanted to know what my mom did.

I of course told her everything and my annoyance to the situation. Look I get it okay I get it. I am in the wrong for sneaking out but why take my phone.

I don't mind getting grounded to my room or anything but my phonee.

I admit I am indeed addicted but at least let me have it while Im at school.

"So I am without a phone for awhile. So I am not dead I just don't have access. " I warned because since I always answer my texts quickly everyone thinks Im dead or something when I don't.

I find it weird since I was only an hour late so see the text but understandable.

The teacher entered not long after and started to teach us math.

It was now 4th period and as the teacher was writing a question on the board I heard a noise.

I looked around if anyone else heard it but no one did. But then suddenly we all heard a loud scream then a bang.

The teacher immediately went to the door and locked it then closed the blinds.

"Help me move this over. " she said in a whisper and some of the boys went over to help her move the drawers and desks to cover the door while everyone else went to the back of the classroom.

I leaned onto my friend as we heard yells and cries from the other classrooms.

I looked up at the door and we started to hear footsteps and bangs. Then there was suddenly a bang on our door.

Everyone yelled and the boys were about to go to the door to hold it closed but then the man behind the door hit it so hard that it was cracked open.

With another hit the door opened and he entered with a fire extinguisher and his gun in hand.

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