A day

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"Stay still hunny. " I said as I put Evelyn's shoes on.

We were getting ready to go out for some fresh air and we haven't gone for a walk on awhile.

"Let's zip this up. " I said as I zipped her coat up. She looked so cute in her outfit.

I stood up and picked her up as well as my bag and phone. I opened the door and left after locking it.

We walked for abit and after awhile I asked if she wanted to and she said yes so I put her down as she started to walk around.

I of course kept an eye on her.

"Doggiee! " She yelled when she saw someone walking their dog immediately running over to them making me run after her.

"Mommy look doggie. " she said pointing at the dog and I nodded. The owner smiled at her and she looked up at the owner.

"Can I pet doggie? " she asked and the owner of the dog nodded. Evelyn pet the dog afew times until she got distracted and walked away again.

I smiled at the dog owner and went after her.

"Is it cold hunny? " I asked as her cheeks started to get redder then usual. Her cheeks are naturally quite rosy but I can tell when its more then usual.

She didn't answer instead she just lifted her arms and I picked her up. She put her face into my shoulder and I patted her back.

"Don't fall asleep hunny. " I said as it wasn't her nap time yet and I truly didn't want to ruin it.

Because it is currently around 1pm and her nap is around 2pm so its still to early for that.

"Warm." She mumbled and I kissed her head. "Do you want cake? " I whispered to her ear and she nodded so I started walking to a cafe.

When we got there I got myself coffee and a piece of strawberry cake. Evelyn absolutely adores anything that includes strawberry and that includes cake.

She definitely couldn't be able to finish a piece though so I'll be eating half. I steadied Evelyn using my arm as I held the tray and walked over to a table.

I put the trau down as I sat down and Evelyn let go of me and sat on my lap.

She looked up at me and turned and unzipped my jacket and came closer to my chest.

I used this to my advantage and covered her sides using my jacket incase of any paparazzi that might magically appear.

"Cake, cake. " She said in a sing along voice and stabbes the work into it. "Want me to feed you hunny. We don't want yourtop getting dirty. " I said.

Her motor skills were good but she still got food on herself. She nodded and let go of the fork and I fed her also giving myself pieces in between.

"Mama can I try? " she asked as I sipped my coffee I shook my head.

"You can when your a big girl. " I said and moved some of her baby hairs away from her face.

She shrugged and pulled my hand towards the fork making me give her another piece of cake.

"Strawberry." She mumbled and I took a piece that included strawberry and fed it to her.

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