It's Me!

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"Daddy, I wanna flip it! " I said as I squeezed myself in between daddy's legs.

He smiled and lifted me up. He held my hand and we flipped the pancake together.

Today was mommy's birthday! So daddy woke up super duper early and woke me up so we could make her breakfast in bed.

And then she had a big big party. I mean not big but big party where her friends and family were ganna celebrate it!

After all the pancakes were finished daddy took out a tray and nicely put all the food on it.

It looked really pretty.

"Put the strawberry on princess. " he said as he handed me a strawberry and I put it right in the middle of the pancakes and daddy clapped for me for doing such a good job.

"Come on let's take this to mommy. " he said and took the tray.

"Daddy." I said and he understood so he put the tray back down and put me on his shoulders.

"Hold on tight princess. " he said and I put my hands on his shoulders and held on tight.

He slowly went upstairs and he slowly entered and mommy was still sleeping.

I giggled making daddy give me alittle hush.

He put the tray down on the bedside table and took me off his shoulders.

"Wake mommy up on tree okay. " he said and I nodded.

He slowly put me onto the bed making mommy move but not wake up.

He picked the tray back up and mouthed.

"One, two. " the moment he said tree I giggled and put my hands on mommys cheeks and started to kiss her face like she does mine when she forces me to wake up.

She slowly opened her eyes and gave a tired laugh when she saw me.

"Good morning baby. " she said as she took my hands off her face.

I lifted my arms up and yelled "Happy birthday mommy! It's your day todayy!"

She nodded and stood up and I looked over at daddy when she did.

"Happy birthday love. " he said and gave the tray alittle lift.

"I helped daddy! " I said when she had a warm expression on her face.

"Did you now. " she said as she moved me over to daddy could hand the tray over.

He pulled out a tiny table out like magic and put it on the bed and put the tray ontop of it.

I hummed "Yea! I flipped pancakes, mixed your coffe and then I put the strawberry on top! " I said and pointed at the strawberry.

Mommy put her hand on her cheek and kissed it.

"Thank you baby. " she then turned to daddy and gave him a kiss on the lip which took a bit longer then usual.

Daddy put his hand on her chin and gave her a big kiss before lightly pulling away his hand still on her chin.

He smiled then mommy turned back to me making daddy let go of her chin.

"Today is your day so. I am completely responsible for anything this little munchkin does. " daddy said and lifted me into his arms with a tickle at the end.

"Okay so you eat and then we need to go to your moms. Come on let's get ready. " Daddy said as he put me on his shoulders and ran to my room.

He entered the bathroom and started to fill the bath up.

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