Chapter 8: We're On Our Way! (Pt. 1)

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"Anna, did you pack your clothes already?", I called out as I climbed down the stairs and into the kitchen, carrying my bag full of my clothes, bikinis and other stuff.

"Yeah. They're already outside.", she replied as she was cooking some breakfast for the two of us before Hans arrives with his van.

"Elsa! Yoohoo!", we hear someone call out from outside.

I took a peek out the window and saw Rapunzel and Flynn, already dressed up and they were already prepared with one suitcase with them.

"Gosh, Flynn and Punzie are already here!", I exclaimed in surprise as I opened the front doors. Rapunzel immediately hugged me while Flynn just chuckled and said 'hi' as he nodded and waved his hand at me.

"Heya, guys. And wow, you guys are already wearing your swimsuits?", I asked laughingly as I stared at their outfits.

Rapunzel wore a v-front, two piece bikini underneath a white, crop top, a short, denim skirt and pink flip flops. While Flynn wore knee-long, beach shorts, a white shirt that said 'WORK HARD. PLAY HARD' and black slippers.

"Yeah, we never had the time to go swimming while we were traveling, we always hustled and believe it or not, this is the first time Flynn's going swimming.", Rapunzel said as she patted Flynn on the back.

"No way. For real? Flynn?", I asked with a face that did not believe what she said.

"Yup. The more you know.", Flynn joked as he shrugged and smiled.

I scoffed and just chuckled at the two as I moved aside for them to enter the house. They went in and greeted Anna, who had just finished cooking the bacon and pancakes with some delicious orange juice.

"And here's a delicious breakfast cuisine, made by moi!", Anna said as she did that kissing with her fingers thing that chefs do on TV.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Anna. It's just bacon and pancakes.", Rapunzel said to her.

"It's still counts as delicious.", Anna said in a stating in fact tone.

"Fair point."


After Hans already picked up everybody and Flynn, Rapunzel, Anna, Merida, Hiccup, Jack, Hans of course, and I are already on board, we started our way to the lake house.

"Okay, we're gonna take shifts because the lake house is kind of far from here. Close to the Lake Kanhua.", Hans announced, which made most of us gasp.

"Hans, are we really going to drive to lake no-one's-going-to-drive-that-far?", Rapunzel asked with huge amount of exaggeration.

"Punz, I'm telling you, it'll be worth the drive."

"Dude, we're going to arrive there tomorrow and Flynn and I already have our bathing suits on.", Rapunzel complained.

"Well, eht's not Hans' faul' why you two wore t'hose spangly bathing sui'ts.", Merida said as she gestured to the 'spangly' bathing suits.

"Merida, what the hell does 'spangly' mean?", Flynn asked.

"I don' kno', actually. It just kind o' suit the clothes."

"Huh, I see what you mean.", Flynn said as he wouldn't stop looking at his swimming trunks.


While the six of them sat at the back, one of them won't stop observing the details, two won't stop reasoning with each other and Hiccup, Anna and Jack just stood watch, obviously entertained, I sat in front with Hans.

"This is going to be a long drive, isn't it?", I said as I glanced at Hans.

"You betcha."


Did I.. Make the Right Choice?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora