Chapter 53: Beautiful

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The sun had already set, Rapunzel and Merida were still asleep, of course. Anna bid Kristoff goodbye and went back to the lake-house to take a nap. Flynn and Hans invited Elsa and Hiccup to drink with them, Hiccup refused and just watched while Elsa join in the fun. Jack woke up and decided to roam the grounds--but he asked Kristoff to come with him.


'Oh no, if Elsa got drunk, she might spill our secret to the two men who are probably not the best to talk about our secret with!', Hiccup thought as he kept his eye on Elsa, nudging her when she's all ditzy.

"Okay, you guys.. I have a trivia question.", Elsa slurred. Clearly, she wasn't as capable as the guys in holding her drink.

"Darling, I think you've had enough.", Hans said, his words were still in tact and there were no signs that he was drunk.

Elsa turned to him with drowsy eyes and whispered, "No, no! I'm having the--the time of my life!"

The three guys chuckled at her fierce attitude that she'd never have the guts to show when she's sober.

Hans shook his head and took the half empty bottle of beer in Elsa's hands, called a servant and gave the beer for the servant to throw away. Elsa was infuriated by this.

"Hey! That was my drink! I haven't even reached my quota yet!", she exclaimed quite hastily.

"Honey.. 'quota'?"

"Don't you 'honey' me, where's-the-gård!", Elsa shouted, incorrectly saying Hans' surname.

"All right, this was fun. But I think it's better if you go to sleep, Else.", Flynn said as he stood up from his seat, manhandled Elsa and went upstairs. Hans just kept laughing.

But the atmosphere got weird since Hiccup was the only one there with him and the last time they were alone, Hiccup almost got strangled to death by him himself and Hans got hit by a frying pan.


Jack walked around the woods with Kristoff as his guide. It was a very starry night, a beautiful scenery. Jack suddenly remembered how Rapunzel would react when seeing a beautiful scenery..



"Wow, look at the sky. It's like--a painting.", Jack sighed as he was slithering his hand to grab Rapunzel's and intertwine it with his, but he didn't felt her presence next to him on the park bench.

He turned to see Rapunzel in her own world--probably drawing the sky in her sketchpad. He just smiled as he watched her as she kept glancing at the sky to capture the scenario in her head to lay it all out on her sketchpad.

"Such a beautiful sight to see.", Jack suddenly said. It startled Rapunzel, and it even startled him.

Rapunzel then understood what he meant and shook her head as she kept sketching. "I know, right? The sun setting is so hard to come on to and I just got to be always prepared because I'll never know, right?"

Jack just smiled her. Not saying a word back at her.

Rapunzel raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "What? Ran out of words to describe the sky?", she chuckled.

"I was talking about you.", Jack said as he reached over and kissed Rapunzel as he lay the pencil and sketchpad in her hands on the bench and joined their hands together.

But little did Jack knew.. it was he who she was drawing. Rapunzel didn't draw the sky, she drew Jack.

(Her drawing is the picture I attached)

End of Flashback..



Guys, I'm so hella sorry for not updating for I don't know--two days? It's just that school is near and I have to prepare my shit, I hope you guys understand.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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