Chapter 67: Virginity? It's A Crime?

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WARNING: Contains mild sexual content.



The party just kept raging on, Flynn and Kristoff were having a hard time since they couldn't even get to the second floor because the crowd that kept them was so thick. Then Jack came downstairs with wide eyes as he saw that the people multiplied.


"Uhm, guys? What happened?", Jack asked Flynn and Kristoff as he forced himself through the crowd to get to the two.

"I don't know who these people are, to be quite honest.", Flynn said as he looked around.

"Same. I think I see Anna dancing to Take On Me on the Wii, though. Merida and Hiccup are watching her.", Kristoff informed, his keen eyes were finally useful.

"Anyway, you guys got something interesting to do? Because I'm bored as hell.", Jack asked.

"How are you bored? We're at a party.", Flynn pointed out.

"Just--whatever. Got anything fun to do?"

Flynn and Kristoff glanced at each other and faintly smiled, then turned back to Jack.

"Wanna join us in clearing out the bedrooms?", Kristoff asked.

"Whaddya mean 'clearing out'?"

"Couples are doing something in the bedrooms. Threesomes, foursomes and even fivesomes. We're willing to clear them out so we won't have to sleep in their liquids.", Flynn explained.

"Damn, that sounds like fun. I'm in.", Jack cheered.

The three clashed their hands and then huddled like a team.

"Wait, how are we going to shoo them away without seeing them fuck each other disgustingly?", Jack asked.

"Hmm.. you two aren't virgins, right? You two have done it before, right?", Flynn asked.

"Duh. With these good looks of mine, I have. Obviously.", Jack answered, smoldering his lips.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, son. You're younger than me, I've had more experience.", Flynn said.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Wait.. we're all twenty two years old. Rapunzel, too, of course. How old are you, anyway, doctor?", he asked as his eyes widened.

"I'm thirty."

Jack gasped as he thought, 'Rapunzel slept with this old man?!'

"Wow, you're quite old, Flynn.", Kristoff commented.

"Yeah, ten years in medical school, that's a huge part of my life.", Flynn said as he slightly gestured his hands around.

"So, Jack. What were you saying?", Kristoff asked as he looked at Jack, who had a fixated, horrified look on his face.

"He's too shocked that I'm eight years older than Rapunzel yet we did 'it' together.", Flynn laughed.

Jack leaned his face closer and asked, "You violated Rapunzel's innocent, young body with your old corndog?!"

"Hey, easy there. I just became thirty this year. And besides, she told me it wasn't her first time. You were her first time, right?"

Jack kept silent.

"That's what I thought. Now, can we please focus? Kristoff, are you a virgin?", Flynn asked and he and Jack turned to Kristoff.

"Uhm.. I haven't had the time?", Kristoff nervously laughed.

"What?!", Flynn and Jack exclaimed loudly, but the loud music was louder than their exclaims.

"So what if I am a virgin?", Kristoff asked.

Jack facepalmed and asked,"Are you waiting until marriage because of religious reasons or are you really just a virgin?"

Kristoff kept silent.

"What?!", the two exclaimed again.

Then suddenly, Like A Virgin by Madonna started playing.

Jack chuckled and said, "This is the perfect song for you, just remove the 'like a' and replace it with 'truly a'."

"That's.. Truly A Virg--oh, come on.", Kristoff groaned.



Well, that was fun writing.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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