Chapter 52: Be Cool

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First of all, I got the title of this chapter from this super awesome GIF of James Franco. So, anyway, enjoy this chapter?


Rapunzel kept Merida busy even though Merida was pretty suspicious about how Rapunzel was acting but Jack kept watch on the both of them, mainly Rapunzel since she acted so weird around Merida.

"Ugh, ayh'm bored. And tay'ered. Ahm going to sleep.", Merida said with a yawn as she went upstairs and left Rapunzel confused while Jack even more confused as to why she was going to bed in the morning.

'Vampires.', Jack laughed mentally.

Rapunzel sighed in relief as she kind of finished her mission of trying to act normal around Merida for the day. Meanwhile, Jack thought of a plan to make Rapunzel fall for him again.

"Hey, Rapunzel.", Jack said as he tapped Rapunzel's shoulder, but it unexpectedly made her jump.

"Ah--oh, I'm sorry. I'm just tired. And I think I might hit the sack, too.", Rapunzel said with a smile, not even letting Jack speak as she slowly went upstairs and kept yawning in the progress.

'Dang it.', Jack disappointingly thought.



Afternoon rolled around, Rapunzel and Merida were still asleep, probably because of the sleeping pills Flynn discreetly slipped into their drinks in the early morning. Elsa and Hiccup finally came out, Hiccup was relieved because Merida was sleeping. Elsa kept her cool, Anna was still with Kristoff and Hans and Flynn were at the docks. Jack, however, slept on his own without the influence of a sleeping pill.


"This is great. Two guys hanging out by the lake, drinking beer.", Flynn narrated as he drank from his bottle.

"Actually, I'm drinking vodka.", Hans admitted.

"Shit! Do you have any old Scotch?", Flynn exclaimed as he put down his bottle of beer and had his hands in a firm grip.

"Of course.", Hans said and snapped his fingers.

Then immediately came a male servant, "Yes, master Westergård?", he asked as he bowed his head and stood right back up.

"Er.. den tolv år gamle Scotch.", Hans said with his thick, Norwegian accent that Flynn has never heard before.

The servant bowed and walked away.

"Woah, what the hell did you say?", Flynn asked.

"The twelve year old Scotch.", Hans translated as he smiled and drank from his bottle of vodka.

"Nice. I thought you were Scandinavian?"

"And where do you think Scandinavia is located, Flynn?", Hans laughed little by little as he watched Flynn face palm himself.

"Yeah, Norway.", Hans laughed out loud.


"Hey, Kristoff. Why did you leave the lake-house?", Anna asked as she yawned and her eyes were getting a little droopy.

"Huh? Well, Hans would get mad.", Kristoff explained as the expression on his face thickened.

Anna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and started rubbing her temples and her nose bridge.

"Whoa, hold up!", Anna exclaimed.

Kristoff sighed and looked at her.

"You told me you were friends?"

Kristoff chuckled and said, "I said 'maybe'."


"Aren't they adorable?", Elsa asked Hiccup as she gestured to Hans and Flynn, who hyped about the old bottle of Scotch.

Hiccup and Elsa just hung out at the snack bar and ate breakfast and the view of the lake and the docks were crystal clear to be seen because of the clear, shiny, windows.

"H-huh?", Hiccup said, worry still in his tone.

"Oh, come on, Hiccup. Past is past.", Elsa said as she shook Hiccup's shoulders to snap him out of it.

"Eh.. maybe you're wrong.", Hiccup shuddered.

Elsa smirked and started.. "No, Hiccup..", then she smiled at him normally, ".. maybe I'm right.", she finished stating.

"It still has the word 'maybe'."



Isn't it so awesome that I added some info on how Hans is Norwegian? Specifically Scandinavian? Well, it's like the more you know.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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