Chapter 54: Next To You

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Hans and Hiccup didn't talk to one another the whole time. The whole 'drinking session' just ended when Hans went upstairs to sleep.

'Oh, thank gods..', Hiccup thought as he sighed.

He also went upstairs to his and Merida's bedroom. It was very quiet and he didn't wanted to wake Merida up--as if that was possible because of the sleeping pill.

Hiccup took a hot tub bath to calm his nerves and just relax for a while. He took his clothes off and soaked himself in the luxurious tub.

He suddenly starts chuckling while remembering how he and Merida weren't dating yet and she was helping him to go and ask Astrid out.



"Jings, crivens--just go!", Merida whisper shouted as she pushed Hiccup, making him bump into Astrid.

"Ow!", Astrid exclaimed as she and Hiccup fell to the floor, making the books that she was carrying to fall as well.

"Watch where you're going--Hiccup!", Astrid was about to tell him off, but as soon as she saw Hiccup's face, she exclaimed his name.

Hiccup couldn't reply, he babbled his words and stammered a lot, making the situation he was in harder. Astrid raised an eyebrow at him as she got up, picked up her books from the floor and walked away.

Merida sighed and walked over to him to help him up.

"Ya know.. with no determination, ye'll never get Astrid Hofferson to go out with ya.", Merida whispered to him as the two of them started walking to the cafeteria, where Jack and Rapunzel were waiting.

"It sucks, Mer. I'll never have any children in the future, I bet.", Hiccup grunted in frustration

Merida sighed and said, "Nah, I'm going to be that person in our group in the future."

Hiccup squinted his eyes and then slammed his fist on his palm. "I got it! When we're thirty and if we're still single--how about we get together and make our own family?", he enthusiastically exclaimed.

This made Merida redden.

"Merida, are you okay? You're so red!", Hiccup worried.

Merida cracked a smirk and punched him in the arm. "Hey! That hurt!", Hiccup exclaimed in pain.

"Stop joking.", Merida chuckled.

But on the inside, she really was feeling like there were butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She really, really liked Hiccup, after all.

End of Flashback..


Sooner or later, Hiccup got out of the tub, drained the water, dried himself and wore comfortable pajamas.

He smiled as he saw Merida sleeping peacefully. Hiccup gently lied next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I never knew we'd get to this.", he whispered as he kept her close to him. If she was awake, she'd be probably hearing Hiccup's heart beating.

"I love you, Mer.", he said before closing his eyes.

Then he finally remembered something important.

"Dang it, I forgot to turn the lights off."


"Hey, thanks for coming with me tonight, Kris.", Jack thanked Kristoff as he playfully punched him in the arm.

"Yeah, you're welcome man. Even though we didn't actually interact--it semed like you had fun.", Kristoff smiled.

"Hey--I was having a moment, my brother!", Jack exclaimed as he moonwalked into the lake-house's doors.

Kristoff just chuckled and went home to his cottage.

Jack, on the other hand, joyously walked upstairs and into Rapunzel's new bedroom--since she and Flynn weren't a 'thing' anymore, Rapunzel had a new bedroom to sleep in.

Jack walked in and instantly jumped into the bed, next to Rapunzel. 'I took a shower earlier and I'm already wearing pajamas, anyway.', he thought as he snuggled up next to Rapunzel.



This was a Jackunzel and Mericcup chapter, I guess?

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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