Chapter 51: Keep It

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Elsa and Hiccup didn't leave the room for a long time. As for Rapunzel, she kept Merida busy with random stuff as Jack watched from the sidelines, obviously irritated that Rapunzel was kind of ignoring him. Flynn and Hans hung outside and Anna went to Kristoff's cottage.


Anna finally reached Kristoff--who was really doing what Hans assumed he was doing, chopping would for no absolute reason whatsoever. Kristoff lightened up as he looked at Anna.

"Morning!", Kristoff greeted as he just continued chopping.

"Finally! I've been looking for you all day!", Anna exclaimed with a sigh of relief and sat down on a little stump.

"It's only like, eight thirty and you went looking for me?", Kristoff asked as he revealed his smug ass face to Anna.

This made her really redden. 'Oh no, I take it back! I take back what I said!', Anna thought as she lowered her head down.

"I-in particular, yes.", Anna muttered.

"Naw, I think it's because you were worrying about me.", he smirked at her as he hit her with his sharp words.


"You hesitated.", Kristoff pointed out as he stopped chopping, let go of his axe and stroke a pose to make Anna redden even more. For a humble lumberjack, Kristoff sure did tone his muscles.

"No, I d-didn't.", Anna blushed.

"You just did it again. But I'm going to let you think that you aren't because you had to worry about me and I really appreciate it.", Kristoff smiled.

Anna had her mouth open to say something back, but she just ended up smiling at him back.


"Punz, eht's great that ye're hanging out with me but wha' the heck is going on? Are we goin' to watch grass gro' next?", Merida finally asked as she let herself go from Rapunzel's strong grip on her arm.

Rapunzel stammered and mumbled to herself. 'No! Now what am I gonna do? If she finds out about Hic and Elsa, she's probably going to go all Scottish on the both of them!', she thought worriedly.

"Yeah, she is definitely hiding something.", Jack whispered to Merida.

"Ya think so?", she whispered back as the two of them watched Rapunzel ramble and fumble with her words and pace around.

Jack almost snorted. "It's obvious! And she hasn't even.. talked to me since this morning which is a bad thing.."

"Ohh! Aye ge' it! Ye're sad because Rapunzel is paying attention to her best friend rather than yu!", Merida almost said aloud.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows and faced Merida as his pale had a dark shade of red tainted across his cheeks.

"T-that's not it! You're getting off the point!", he exclaimed.

"Ha, now, Jack, don't be too upset.", Merida said, trying not to laugh, as she patted Jack on the back. But little did she know, Jack was right. Rapunzel was hiding something, but what?


"Hiccup, we have to get out of this room.", Elsa said as had a very uncomfortable face on.

Hiccup widened his eyes and started, "Elsa, please..", he then kneeled and held her hand, "..I can't lie to Merida about what we did last night."

"It was an accident! There's nothing to worry about, we just have to keep this a secret until we forget about it. But for the meantime, let's just act normal and not too conspicuous and that's it!", Elsa replied.

"That's the thing, Elsa! How can I act normal around my girlfriend knowing that I cheated on her even though it wasn't intentional?"


"Y'know, it's such a beautiful morning.", Flynn said as the both of them took a sip from their cups of coffee.

"Yeah. We should go swim later. You in?", Hans suggested.

"Hell yeah, I'm not on call anyway. And I really need to relax, there are just so many problems at the hospital and there are none here.", Flynn sighed.

"That's awesome. And yeah, we are in a complete problem free zone here. Just a lake, fresh environment and friends who have good relationships with one another.", Hans added.

"Yeah. And oh, you're dating Elsa now, right?"

"I guess so."

"Let's just hope she not gonna cheat on you.", Flynn chuckled as he reminisced his memories with Rapunzel.

"I doubt it. I trust her.", Hans said proudly.



The best thing in this chapter is how Hans and Flynn are so chill while they don't know how big of a problem Mericcup and Helsa has.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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