Chapter 5: What Boyfriend?

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I quietly laughed as I watched Elsa and Hans talk. "Elsa looks like she's nervous." Flynn commented as he sat next to me on our couch. I placed my hand on top of his and said, "Yeah.. she is, for in fact." me and Flynn just watched them.. when we heard Merida shout, "Hey, Punzie! Where's the 'keriokay'?!"

Me and Flynn laughed at her mistake. Hiccup shouted at her, "Mer, it's 'karaoke! Not 'keriokay'!" me and Flynn bursted out laughing. I stood up and he asked, "Where are you going?" I chuckled and said, "I'm gonna go and set up the 'keriokay'." I mentally laughed.

Then I walked away and heard him laugh his ass off. I smiled while walking over to the living room and sought Merida, Hiccup, Jack, Kristoff, Peter and a girl with strawberry blonde hair who looked awfully familiar to me.. I went over to them and asked, "What seems to be the problem here?" Merida laughed..

'Clearly, she's drunk.' Hiccup grabbed the bottle of vodka in her hands and said, "You've had enough." Merida furrowed her eyebrows and stood up. We raised all of our eyebrows at her action. Then she charged at me that made us fall on the floor. "Merida!" I shouted as she planted kisses all over my face except my lips. "I love ye, Punz." she told me.

I chuckled and said, "I love you too, Mer." she looked over to the guys who sat on the couch and gestured to him and said, "Jack loves ye toooooooo.." I blinked a few times and stood up. I helped Mer up and carried her to the couch. "Sorry, she's drunk." I said to the strawberry blonde haired girl. She chuckled and reached out her hand while saying, "I'm Anna. Arendelle."

My eyes widened and shook her hand, "Rapunzel Corona. I know your sister." I happily said that made her smile. "What a small world!" she replied. I looked over to the archway that separated the living room and the.. other living room and sought no Elsa around, "Speaking of your sister, I'm gonna go find her." I said as I pulled away my hand and started walking.


I hid my face in my hands as she walked away, The moment she left, I turned to Merida and Hiccup. "Merida, why did you say that?" I asked her angrily. She blinked a few times and laughed. "Aha ha ha!" she laughed hysterically. "..Jack, even though I'm cleeeeaaaarly drunk.. I can still tell ye have a thing for ma best frieeeeeeeend." she said before collapsing on Hiccup.

"Merida!" Hiccup exclaimed in shock as he shook her. I stood up and started walking away when I heard Hiccup call, "Jack! Where are you going?" I faced him for a while and said, "Home." then I left the scene. I heard Hiccup call my name as I walked out the front door but I just kept walking away.

Away from them. Away from her. I tried to grab my keys but I couldn't find them. "Shit." I cursed under my breath. "So, you're the 'ex'." I heard someone say from behind. I turned and saw the boyfriend. I furrowed my eyebrows and coldly asked, "What do you want?" he went up to me and.. god, he's tall.

"I want you to leave Rapunzel alone." he seriously told me. I scoffed and asked, "And why would I do that?" he sighed and said, "Leave her alone and she'll be happier living in her hometown." then he walked back into the house. I couldn't move a single muscle after what he just said.


"It's like.. billions and billions of helicopters in the sky." he commented as he stared at the starry night. I bit my lip as I watched him stargaze. He looked at me in the corner of his eye so I turned away, embarrassed. I heard him slightly chuckle. "You know.. when you first moved here.. I thought..

'Man, that girl is beautiful.'.." he started that made me blush so hard. "..but then.. I met your awfully cute sister." I frowned at his sentence. "..then I thought, 'Hey, they're kind of the same but.. the other one was prettier to me." he finished and stared into my eyes. My eyes widened in shock.

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