Chapter 61: The 'Struggle'? (Pt. 2)

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You guys know what I thought before I wrote this chapter?

'Hey, I'll mess my readers up by making this chapter all about Rapunzel, Anna and Elsa! Ahahahaha! I'm so evil!'



Sooner or later, around three in the afternoon, the sleeping trio woke up. All refreshed and up and at it. It was still raining, though. And things for Hans, Merida, Jack and (especially) Hiccup weren't having a great time. Same goes for Flynn, since the electricity was still out.


"Damn.. it's so cold in here.", Anna muttered as the three them, her, Rapunzel and Elsa entered the living room--where there were various books in shelves, a huge, soft couch and an unlit fireplace.

"Well, go turn on the fire.", Elsa gestured to the fireplace as she and Rapunzel made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Gee, I cannot wait to do that.", Anna sarcastically said as she lazily walked over to the said location and turned the fireplace on just by turning a little knob.

"Their fireplace is automatic? Unfair. Our fireplace has to be manually maintained.", Elsa complained as she crossed her arms.

Rapunzel slightly chuckled before saying, "All right. Since we're here and it's boring--why don't we bet on when the power will come back?"

"It sounds boring. But what exactly are we playing on here?", Elsa asked as Anna sat next to her and exclaimed, "Ooh."

"Okay. If I win--you have to give up your sweaters.", Rapunzel grinned. "Ooh, that's interesting.", Anna gasped.

"Fine. But if I win.. I have to move in with you in your house.", Elsa said audaciously. "More interesting.", Anna commented.

"You're not gonna join, Anna?", Rapunzel asked her.

"Nah, can't. I don't have enough money to live outside my college.", Anna politely refused.

"Yeah--that's because she wasted her allowance and free time in high school with shopping and boyfriends.", Elsa added.

"Hey! At least I have a closet full of nice clothes! Yours is just filled with itchy sweaters! No wonder Rapunzel wants you to give them up.", Anna scoffed.

Elsa looked at Rapunzel, but she avoided Elsa's icy glare.

"Whatever. Let's settle this. When do you think the power will come back?", Elsa went back to the topic.

Rapunzel smirked and said..


"All right! The deal is set! Now.. let's play beer pong!", Rapunzel cheered, but the sisters didn't share the same hype.

"I don't know, Punz, we're only three and that's not really fun--", Elsa was saying when Rapunzel cut her off.

"Oh, I know! Let's invite some friends over!"

"Uhh.. you remember your friends?", Anna asked.

"Nope! But my phone does! Hihi!", Rapunzel smiled as she ran out of the living room, probably getting her phone from upstairs.

Elsa and Anna sighed.


Now to Flynn.. (Muwahahahaha)


"Dr. Once-ler. When is the power going to come back?", Flynn asked his fellow doctor who sat next to him in the office.

"I'm not sure, Dr. Rider. But all we got to do is hope.", his coworker assured him. It kind of made Flynn stress less.

"Yeah.. operations were cancelled because of the power outage, some even died.", he worried as he thought..

'Some? More like 'most'. The operation I was going to before the outage was on a patient with tumor in brain, his kidney was failing and one of his blood vessels exploded..'




So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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