Chapter 25: Is She Dead?

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"Do you know what to do--?", Jack was asking when Rapunzel opened her eyes and breathed heavily as she just stared at the ceiling.

"Punz!", Jack exclaimed as he was going to touch Rapunzel but Flynn didn't allow him. "Hey!", Jack angrily said.

"Jack, we need to perform her The Maze Procedure on her right now.", Flynn said with his face filled with seriousness.

"Wha' the heck is a Maze Procedure?", Merida asked.

"Is it like a part of The Maze Runner or something?", Elsa asked while chuckling. "You read too many books.", Flynn told her.

"The Maze Procedure is a surgical approach that uh.. treats atrial fibrillation by interrupting the electrical impulses that cause abnormal heart rhythm.", Flynn explained what it was, which left their mouths hanging.

"Where did you learn about this stuff, Flynn?", Hans asked.

"I went to medical school for ten years. I'm a surgeon, trust me.", Flynn said with a reassuring smile as she looked at Hiccup and Jack.

"You two, get some surgical gloves and masks, scalpels, and a pacemaker.", Flynn ordered, but the two didn't move.

"Guys! Are you going to move your asses or what?", Flynn asked in anger.

"Flynn, we're not in a hospital, I doubt Hans has all those what you said and what the heck is a 'pacemaker'?", Hiccup said, confused.

Flynn sighed and suggested, "Why don't we just drive her to the hospital?"

"Best idea I've ev'r heard!", Merida exclaimed.


But before they could carry Rapunzel to the van, the ambulance came, just in time.


They all sat outside, waiting for the operation to finish and Flynn was one of the surgeons doing the surgery. Flynn was actually known as one of the most brilliant surgeons of their time, but who the heck would be interested in that?

Except for people like him, of course.

"Jack, you have to calm down. Rapunzel is going to live, I'm sure.", Hiccup told Jack, who kept walking and pacing around.

"Hiccup, the only girl I've ever loved--", Jack was saying when Elsa coughed.

" very first love is in there!", Jack changed his sentence.


"Dr. Rider, we're losing her.", one of the other doctors said. Flynn looked at the pacemaker and one of the doctors was right.

They were losing Rapunzel. She was dying.


"This is probably going to take long. I'm gett'in us some food.", Merida said before she entered the elevator that headed downstairs, Hiccup ran after her shouting, "I'm coming with you, Meridarling!", and the group also heard Merida say, "Seriously?"

Jack chuckled a bit but was back to worrying again.

"She's not going to die. She's not going to die.", Jack repeated the words to himself as he rocked himself back and forth as he sat.

'She's the only one who understands me.', Jack thought.


"Elsa, look.", Anna said as she poked Elsa's arm and pointed to Hans, who stood behind a wall, but Anna had spotted him.

"I guess he's worried about Rapunzel, too.", Anna said.

"Why do all of the men in my life like her more than me?", Elsa asked Anna.

Anna couldn't respond anything at what Elsa said.

'Are you being serious right now?', Anna thought to herself.

"I'm just joking, Anna. Rapunzel is a good friend and a good person.", Elsa said with a smile as she squeezed Anna's shoulder.

"Whew, you had me there for a second.", Anna sighed in relief.

"I know. I could tell by the way you looked at me.", Elsa said.

The two laughed but stopped when Flynn came out of the O.R.


"Rapunzel.. is lost..."



I'm so excited! Eek! You guys wanna know why? Well..

You can find out why in the next update!

So, thanks for reading, Justers!

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