Chapter 58: Please, Gods, No.. (Pt. 1)

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The day was going quite well for all of them.. except for Jack. But even Flynn enjoyed his time at the hospital--he had been performing operations inspirationally. And the ladies had a really great time at the sauna and decided to go back to the lake-house.


"Oh, man.. that was.. mmm..", muttered as the three of them, her, Rapunzel and Elsa went into the lake-house to eat lunch at the snack bar. Elsa was kind of annoyed since Anna kept shouting.

"Well, for me.. that was 'mmm' the opposite of relaxing.", Elsa nagged as she cracked her neck as the three of them waited for the servants to place the foos they ordered on the table.

"Oh, come on. I can't lower the volume! It was--", Anna was saying when Rapunzel cut her off.

"--Black Sabbath?"

"Exactly! How did you know?!", Anna exclaimed, which made Elsa and Rapunzel sigh and chuckle.

But the laughs ended the moment the lights turned off.


"Why.. is this dog rubbing himself on my leg?", Jack, annoyed, asked Hans as he poked Hans on the shoulder to get his attention.

Hans turned and started laughing. "Interesting. It appears that this dhole has attached itself onto you, Jack."

(The picture of the dhole puppy is the one I attached)

"Yeah, no kidding. Wait--'dhole'?", Jack asked as he crouched down to pet the dhole that he thought was a dog.

Hans nodded as he turned back his attention to prevent a bearcat from scratching Merida and Hiccup's eyes.

"Really? 'Dhole'? What--did they pick random letters from the alphabet to get you a name, little cutie?", Jack started softening up to the pup dhole. It licked Jack's hand, which made Jack smile.

But his smile faded when the lights turned off.


"Scalpel.", Flynn ordered another doctor as he had his hand still carefully holding the umbilical cord that was still attached to the woman he was performing a c-section on and the infant.

Once Flynn received the scalpel he asked for, he immdiately cut the umbilical cord, sighing in relief as he gave the scalpel back and walked out of the operating room to cleanse himself.

After he did, he started walking to his office.

"I'm a surgeon yet I'm still disgusted by the stupid umbilical cord.", Flynn whispered under his breath as he sat himself down on his chair and turned on his computer.

But his computer turned itself off again as well did the lights go out.

"Great. Now I can't see anything.", he muttered.


"No way.", Rapunzel breathed as she looked around the unlit room. The three were still sitting on their chairs, none panicked. Because there was a generator and a servant went to power it up for the lake-house to have electricity again. Also because their food was still served.

"Mm.. this pot roast tastes like what mom makes.", Anna said as she savoured the delicious flavor.

"Been a long time since I've eaten pot roast. I usually eat sausages and potato salads back in Germany because I study a lot.", Rapunzel said as she ate the pot roast she had on her plate.

"German sausages. Yum.", Elsa muttered.

It made Anna and Rapunzel laugh so hard. "You should try and think about what you just said, Else.", Anna laughed.

"What's wrong with--oh.", Elsa widened her eyes in realization--which made the two laugh even more.

"You two have such dirty minds.", she muttered as she continued eating.



Yay! No lights! Well, with Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel, there's going to be soon--but whatever! No lights!

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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