Chapter 23: What Is Going On?

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Jack quickly picked up Rapunzel with his arms, even though he wasn't that strong.

"Jack, I'm fine, seriously.. put.. me down.", Rapunzel breathed as her eyes fluttered shut and she had a shortness of breath and started sweating, too.

"Come on, Rapunzel! I am not losing you again!"


"Ugh, Merida, your hair! I can't see!", Anna whispered to Merida as she dug around Merida's hair to find a way to see Flynn and Hans.

The three of them, Hiccup, Anna and Merida hid behind a big, perfectly shaped into a rectangle bush. Merida blocked Anna's sight with her curls.

"The more you say that, the more I'll cover yer face.", Merida whispered back with a snicker. Anna groaned and pushed Merida's hair down, pulling Merida down.

"Hey!", Merida quietly screeched.

"That's what you get.", Anna said with a smirk.

"Shh! You girls, shut it. Look.", Hiccup said as he pointed to Flynn and Hans.


"Honestly, Flynn, you are getting yourself too beaten up because of this!", Hans shouted at him as he waved his hands a lot.

"How would you know what it's like to feel this feeling, Hans?! You're single, rich, you have a life here! I don't! That's why I'm leaving!", Flynn shouted back as he tightened his grip to the handle of his suitcase.

"I like Elsa. And guess what? She doesn't like me back. I may be rich but I'm alone. And I am fucking tired and fed up of people saying that I'm happy because I'm rich! Because I'm not!", Hans broke out.

This made Flynn grow very quiet, he had no words.

"Now put your ass back in your room and I'll buy you a ticket to Germany with my miles after we enjoy our week of spectacular, Kanhua fun!", Hans shouted at him and dragged him into the lake house with his suitcase.


"Well, tha' was dramatic.", Merida commented.

"I know, right? I just never suspected that Hans liked Elsa back.", Anna said with a nod.

Hiccup looked at the two and asked Anna, "Back? You mean Elsa does like Hans?"

"Yeah. It's obvious.", Anna answered.

"And you're not at all weirded out since you dated Hans before?", Hiccup started asking the uncomfortable questions.

"Nope, not at all. It's hard to hate Hans. He's kind.", Anna said with a smile as the three of them walked inside and sat on their table at the snack bar.

"And why did ya break up then?", Merida asked, suddenly interested.

"I wasn't ready for a big commitment.", Anna answered.

Merida and Hiccup had confused faces, they obviously didn't get what Anna meant by she 'wasn't ready for a big commitment'.

"He kind of proposed to me and I kind of rejected him.", Anna slurred the words 'kind of'. The couple widened their eyes.

"What?!", they both shouted at the same time.

"Oh, come on. Hans is a nice and sweet guy and all but.. I don't think he's the one that could make butterflies flutter in my stomach, know what I mean?", Anna asked.

Merida shook her head while Hiccup guessed, "You mean.. Hans isn't the one?"

Anna nodded and said, "Yeah! And if I said 'yes', our marriage would've been built on a lie! And I don't want to immediately divorce him after getting married."

The two finally understood and nodded their heads.


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