Chapter 60: The 'Struggle'? (Pt. 1)

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Before reading, I just want to let you guys know that this chapter is focused on Hans, Merida, Hiccup and Jack.

All right, enjoy.



The whole town of Kahnua had no power, but the Westergård manor had electricity because of the huge generators. Rapunzel, Anna and Elsa fell asleep because it started raining, Flynn still hadn't done anything because the power was out and Hiccup, Hans, Jack and Merida came by a hut and stayed there until the rain passed.


"We're going to die! No! Titanic! Uhhh--Noah! Hans, do you have any wood?! We're going to buid an ark! Get all the dholes and put them in it with us!", Jack exclaimed as he walked around the empty hut.

"Snap out of it, Jackson. It's just a little rain.", Hans muttered as he sat down on one of the wooden chairs there.

"And why did you only mention the dholes..?", Hiccup muttered.

"Is eht just me or is the rain and thunder abnormally realistic?", Merida wondered as she looked at the 'artificial' sky.

"Mer.. it's real rain but the thunder and lightning are fake. We can't risk getting our animals shot on.", Hans explained.

"Tha's so cool.", Merida muttered as she stared out into the sky. 'It looks so real.. I can't even tell that it's a dome.', she thought.


"Hey, Hans. Can I talk to thou?", Jack asked as he sat down next to Hans with shaking hands.

"Sure. But first, why are you shaking?", Hans noticed the shivering of his body and the air he breathed out was cold.

"It's nothing.. it's just--just rea-really cold.", he replied as he grasped his hands together.

"All right. Just tell us when your coming up with something. I can't risk anyone else in our group to get hospitalized."

Jack nodded.

"And we most definitely not want Flynn to slip more sleeping pills or sedate anyone else, either.", Hans added with a chuckle.

Jack laughed a little bit as he nodded.

"So uh.. what did you want to talk about with me?", Hans asked.

Jack nodded and started, "Right.. ", his eyes shifted to him. ".. you're dating Elsa now, right?", he finished.

Hans just nodded as he thought, 'Is this another conversation like what I had with Flynn?'

"Well uh.. you better take care of her. She's tough on the outside but she-she's weak when it comes to her emotions.", Jack said before standing up and going over to Hiccup.

Leaving Hans dumbfounded and wondering.


"Hey, Hic! Can you do this?!", Jack exclaimed as he went over to Hiccup, making a stiff wave with his arms.

Hiccup sighed and did it as well. But wigglier and like a real wave. Jack furrowed his eyebrows and frowned as he sat next to him.

"Oh, hey, can I ask you something?", Jack suddenly bursted out.

Hiccup nodded and leaned back on the wall.

"Where were you this morning?"


"Ahh! The wind is so refreshing and cold!", Merida breathed as she lifted her arms up like she waa flying.

"The wind is refreshing and cold at the lake-house, Mer.", Hans chuckled as he watched her flap her arms.

"Well--! We barely go out of the lake-house!", she pointed out as she turned her back from the view and faced Hans.

"Good point. Hang on, since we only have three days left, why don't we go camping?", he suggested with an active smile on his freckle tainted face. Merida raised an eyebrow at him.

"Outside of the lake-house?"

"Nah, we don't have to go deep into the woods. We can just camp out in front of the house.", he explained.

"For once, I agree with ya.", she chuckled.

"Yay! The moment we get back, we're telling the others.", Hans hyped in excitement as he stood up and admired the rain.

'He's such a goofball..', Merida thought as she shook her head and smiled.



Ohohohoho. Jack is suspicious!

We're going all drama and suspense for the next upcoming chapters, by the way. It's going to be totes exciting and I'll make sure to have cliffhangers for you guys to get on the edge of your seats!

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

Did I.. Make the Right Choice?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora