Chapter 33: The Past Is Back (Pt. 1)

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The room got awkwardly quiet.

Jack was infuriated by hearing this, Rapunzel may be in a coma but she's a girl who never forgets things that involved love so easily.

Elsa had a feeling, a jealous feeling. A really, really, jealous feeling. But she realized how good Hans and Rapunzel would look like as a couple. They'd be perfect for each other.

Hiccup and Merida were just neutral. They knew about this since their time in middle school. So, they weren't surprised at all by the information, but was shocked that Rapunzel would remember Hans with only that memory.

Now, Hans was supposed to feel nothing.

But he felt something.


"Uhm.. Jackson?", Rapunzel asked, too formally, I may add.

"The real Rapunzel calls me Jack, not Jackson.", he said, without looking at her. He felt cheated, betrayed and hypocritical.

"I don't really remember anything and uh.. I don't really know how to feel about you.", Rapunzel muttered.

Elsa, Merida and Hiccup went to the other room. Hans stayed because he was a part of the biggest issue that the old Rapunzel didn't even told Jack about.

"You don't know how--Rapunzel, it's not the thought that counts, it's the feeling you get when you stare into my eyes.", Jack said as he looked at her, dead in the eye.

Rapunzel felt nothing at all.


It was already 2 AM in the morning. Anna was still asleep, snoring even.

The three kept quiet as they entered Anna's room.

"Did you two know about this?", Elsa asked the nervous couple. Merida and Hiccup felt tingles on their skin as Elsa's voice freeze the air.

"Well?", Elsa screeched.

"Hans and Rapunzel were exclusive in middle school.. they were so madly in love with each other and then.. Jack came in the freshman year of high school and stole Rapunzel's heart from Hans.", Hiccup explained.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait--so you mean to tell me that.. Rapunzel dumped a buffet for a snack?", Elsa asked through a metaphor.

"Yeah, sure. If ya put it tha' way.", Merida answered.

"But.. how?"

"We don't know.", Hiccup answered.

"All we kno' is that the next day, Rapunzel dumped Hans and started datin' Jack.", Merida lay it all out to Elsa.

"This is making me confused and I did not peg Rapunzel as a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of girl.", Elsa muttered.

"Else. Hans and Rapunzel dated for almost five years.", Merida informed.

"What?!", Elsa shouted, trying to sound not too loud so Anna or other patients won't wake up or else she's be nagged at all morning.

"Yeah. T'hey started datin' in the fourth grade."

"Oh my gods, that's.. a lot of memories.", Elsa breathed in and breathed out.


Flynn fixed himself up after the encounter with Elsa and Jack. He then checked on Rapunzel and Anna since an hour passed already.

It was still dark out and Flynn was kind of spooked out.

'You're not afraid, Flynn. You're the most professional doctor here.', he thought to himself as he just kept his eyes focused where he was walking.

A few moments later, he arrived at Rapunzel's room.

His eyes widened as he only saw Hans, Jack and Rapunzel in the room.

He went in and cleared his throat.

"And who are you?", Rapunzel asked him.

"I'm your doctor. Flynn Rider and I'm also your.. friend.", Flynn explained as he went up to her and checked her vital signs.

"Don't tell me I dated you, too?", Rapunzel groaned.

All men in the room didn't move a single muscle.

"Oh, come on!", Rapunzel whined.



Gods, this is the weirdest chapter I've written so far.

But, thank you for the compliments on my fanart from the previous chapter, by the way. I was on medication, so I didn't really have the energy to finish it.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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