Chapter 41: How Was That A Prank?!

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Get ready.


'This guy is pissing me off.', Anna thought as she didn't speak nor do anything. She just watched the guy continue chopping wood.

"Hey, are you just going to stand there and watch me or are you gonna tell me your name, miss?", he asked. Not being totally rude this time.

Anna scoffed and replied with, "And why would I tell you?"

"Fine.", he started. He stopped chopping and went up to her with his hand reaching out to her. "I'm Kristoff."

This made Anna soften up.

"I'm Anna.", she introduced herself as she hesitantly shook his hand. Kristoff smiled at her and nodded.

"Now what are you doing in the middle of my boss' woods?"

"I already told you--my friend invited me here.", Anna muttered.

Kristoff nodded and chuckled, "All right. You got invited. By who?"

"Hans.", Anna answered quite simply.

His brown eyes widened and he bowed before Anna. "I'm s-sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to call you names. I just didn't know who you were."

With furrowed eyebrows, Anna asked.. "You work for Hans?"

"Yes, ma'am.", he answered as he still had his head down.

Anna sighed and lift his chin up, "You don't have to act so formal. I'm not Hans, anyway.", she smiled at him.


"Jack!", the voice shouted again.

Jack and Merida rushed in just to see Hiccup caressing Rapunzel's back as she vomited blood all over the floor.

"Rapunzel!", Jack exclaimed as he ran over to her, Hiccup went to Merida and whispered what the two of the green eyed brunettes did.

Merida then started quietly snickering with Hiccup as they watched the act.

"Rapunzel! What's-what's happening?!", Jack shouted and he started crying already. 'No--I just got you back like, two times already!'

Rapunzel was muttering something but Jack didn't hear.

So he leaned in and finally heard what Rapunzel was muttering..

"This is just a prank.."


Kristoff welcomed Anna into his humble cottage, his home. He prepared a drink for her, some homemade concoction Kristoff made himself.

"Mm.. this is delicious.", Anna exclaimed as she savored the taste of the liquid in her mouth. Then she kept drinking.

"Yeah.. my mom made it first.", Kristoff shyly told her.

"W..where's your mom?", Anna asked softly.

Kristoff sighed and said, "Her and my dad have worked for the uh, Westergårds for a long time.. and then they died four years after I was born. And since uh--my parents were friends with Hans' parents, they took me in but I lived here."

Anna took a while to take it all in. This guy whom she hated when she first met him turned out to have such a poor life.

"Hey, it's all right.", Anna whispered to him as she settled her cup down and comforted him by caressing his back.

Kristoff chuckled and muttered, "I hope so."


"Oh my gods, Jack. I can't believe you fell for their prank.", Elsa laughed as she and Hans went into the lake-house right after their date.

But fortunately, they got back at the right time and got to watch Jack cry because Rapunzel pretended to die.

"You two just got here!", Jack shouted as he wiped away his tears.

Merida laughed and pointed to his eyes. "Are ya cryin'?", she laughed. Jack slapped her hand away and said, "Shut up."

"I can't believe my plan worked.", Rapunzel said as she high fived Hiccup. They all laughed at Jack.

"How was that a prank?! You almost gave me a heart attack!", Jack shouted again.

"Calm down, Jack. It was a little joke.", Hiccup laughed.

"Then why did you make the fake blood so real?!"

Hans sighed and said, "You're just easy to fool."

"Great. I know you guys and you will never let this die.", Jack sarcastically said as he facepalmed himself and sighed.

"The best thing is that I recorded your little break down and now it's up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and it's even a dub-step on iTunes.", Hiccup added.

"Yeah--thanks to ya, we got money comin'.", Merida said as she flashed Jack a lot of dollars in her hands.

Jack groaned for a long time.

"Check this--it's already my ringtone.", Hans said as he played the ringtone for Jack--which was Jack screaming and making disgusting sobbing noises but was remixed and dub-stepped by Skrillex and David Guetta.

"Okay, now this is just scaring me."



This was sad. I did not enjoy this chapter.

But, who cares, right? :D

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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