Chapter 29: Let's Wait And See (Pt. 2) (+FanPic)

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After a floppility jillion rounds, Merida got bankrupt like the others did for the first thirty rounds. And at that very exact moment that the game ended, Flynn came in the room and two nurses helped him carry Rapunzel back onto the bed.


"Flynn, what happened? Did you see anything unusual during the MRI?", Jack immediately asked him, literally sweating of nervousness.

"She has uh.. a failed organ. Her liver. Uhm, she needs a donor. The type of coma she's in is the toxic-metabolic encephalopathy coma. It's reversible but uhm.. the only question I'm really asking is who's going to donate some of their liver?", Flynn asked them.

They all looked at each other.


"Uhm.. who's willing?", Hans asked as they huddled up in the room the moment Flynn left while saying 'I'll let you guys think about it'.

"Jack? Is your liver healthy?", Anna asked Jack.

Jack shook his head and said, "My liver's destroyed to bits. Alcohol is too friendly."

"Well, you guys?", Anna asked the rest, they all shook their heads and said in unison 'we drink a lot'. Even Elsa did and Anna has never seen her drunk.

"Wow, all of you are drinkers.", Anna muttered.

"Wha' did ya expect? We're all at the proper age to drink. College is kind o' awesome. But uh, you wouldn't understand, am I ra'ight?", Merida asked her.

"Uhm.. I'm just nineteen so, yeah.. but should I really be the one to donate because I'm scared of surgeries.", Anna whimpered.

"Are you kidding, Anna? They aren't going to cut you while you're still conscious.", Jack laughed as the rest did, too.

"Don't worry, Anna. You're saving Rapunzel.", Elsa said as she held tight on Anna's hand, smiling at her. Anna smiled back and sighed.

"If this is what you guys say is going to save Rapunzel, then I'm going to do it.", Anna said confidently as she clenched her fist.

"For Rapunzel!", all of them cheered.


"I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.", Anna muttered as she was already at the O.R table, was butt naked and only wearing a hospital gown.

"Don't worry, Anna. I'm the one who's going to operate on you.", Flynn whispered to her as he reached out the gas mask to her.

Anna looked at the mask and looked at Flynn.

"All the more reason I should worry.", Anna said as she grabbed the mask and held it to her face, making her grow unconscious.

"Wow.", Flynn muttered as he grabbed a scalpel.


"Do you think Anna will be okay?", Elsa whispered to Jack as she rested her head on his chest in Rapunzel's room. They were the only ones in the room since Hans, Merida and Hiccup went to get some dinner for the six of them, including Flynn.

Jack chuckled at first. "Hey, it's Rapunzel who you should be worrying about, she's the one in a coma. And besides, Flynn is the surgeon.", Jack reassured her.

"I don't know how good Flynn is but I just hope you're right.", Elsa whispered as she closed her eyes as she laid her head on Jack's chest as they laid on Rapunzel's hospital bed. It was making the other guilty and both sleepy at the same time.

'This is making me feel very weird and uncomfortable.', Jack thought.

But Elsa thought diffrerently.. 'I hope Rapunzel and Anna will be okay.'



Heeey, guys! I received a very awesome fan pic from Tichina Polson on Facebook Messenger! It took me by surprise, really.

But I think that scene is where Mericcup and Jackunzel were chicken fighting when they were in high school, hence Rapunzel's long, blonde hair.

Thank you for the edit, Tichina! I really appreciate it.

So uh, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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