Chapter 57: The Beauty Of Kahnua (Pt. 2)

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As the three young women, Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel, headed off to the sauna downtown, Hans, Jack, Merida and Hiccup started roaming around Kahnua outside Westergård manor. And if you want to know about Flynn, he's at the hospital working.


"Mmm.. this is so.. relaxing.", Anna mumbled as she closed her eyes and put her earphones in her ear, playing loud metal music.

"Wow.. I didn't suspect Anna to be into.. metal.", Rapunzel said in surprise as she had her eyes on Anna.

"Heh, I know, right? Anyway, what did you expect her to be into?", Elsa asked as she spread her arms.

"Well.. she struck me as an indie kind of girl."

"You know you're basically saying that you think Anna's a hipster?", Elsa started shamelessly laughing. Well, there wasn't anybody around but the three of them.. and Anna had earphones on.

"Whatever. Aha, so.. can I ask you something about that--that thing with you and--?", Rapunzel nervously asked.

Elsa sighed and said, "Yeah. It's all right."

"Did you guys do the dirty dirty?", Rapunzel exclaimed excitedlty, making Elsa widen her eyes with a look of surprise pattened on her face.


"You guys! Hey! This song is the best song ever!", Anna suddenly shouted. Rapunzel and Elsa just sighed and started laughing at the interruption.

"Anna, are you referring to that entitled song of that band uh.. One Direction?!", Rapunzel shouted.

"What?! Hell no! Black Sabbath, baby!", Anna shouted as she headbanged and strummed her invisible, electric guitar.

"She's uh--silly.", Elsa whispered to Rapunzel.


"Wow, how could anyone pass up an exploration through a real jungle with wild animals waiting to pounce on you and have you as their dinner for tonight?", Jack sarcastically said as she hid behind Merida.

They were in a resort--but it wasn't just a regular resort. It was a jungle resort where there were real, live, wild animals. But all of them were traines, so there were no reasons to worry.

The Westergård family does a lot of shit.

But Jack didn't really like the idea of being surrounded by carnivorous creatures that feed on helpless species.

"Och, Jack.. you are such a wimp!", Merida whined as she pushed Jack off of her back and pet the head of an 'owl' that Hans called out and let stand on Hans' arm, but his arm had a protective cloth to prevent the skin from getting scratched by talons.

"Just--just look at that thing's talons! They're sharper than the talons my bird back at home has!", he exclaimed as he pointed out the talons.

"Duh, Jack.. it's an owl--not a parrot.", Hiccup chuckled as he started petting the 'owl's' head, too.

"Nah, this owl is not just an owl.", Hans started.

"Don't tell me he's part lion!", Jack muttered.

"Now that's just stupid, Jack.", Hiccup told him as he glanced at Jack for a moment but returned his attention to Hans.

"This here is an Indian eagle-owl.", Hans smiled as he fed the bird a small fillet of raw meat.

"I-is that human meat?!", Jack whisper shouted as he gestured to the bucket of the animals' food.

"Jack.. I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. a new product from Apple.", Hiccup sighed as he facepalmed and hit Jack on the forehead.


"Just look at its adorable li'l talons. And its like.. one of the cu'est animals I've ever seen me whole life.", Merida said as she played with the eagle-owl. Hans just chuckled at Merida's enthusiastic mood.



Hey, look! Knowledge.

And that's the picture of the uh.. Indian eagle-owl. Yeah, it's real. Don't believe me? Ask Mr. Google. You'll just be embarrassed.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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