Chapter 59: Please, Gods, No.. (Pt. 2)

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"No! I'm too young to die! Too inexperienced! Too beautiful! There's a beautiful and kind girl waiting for me at the lake-hou--", Jack was dramatically shouting, but Merida punched him in the arm.

"No! My arm! It's too beautiful to be bruised by a soulless redhead named Merida!", he exclaimed dramatically as he pretended to die as he let himself fall on the ground--which was a real non-artificial ground.

"Och.. yu are annoying.", Merida muttered as she went over to Hiccup as she hugged him tightly and had her eyes aware and wide open.

"Mer, don't tell me you're afraid of the dark?", Hans asked her.

"Nope. Never. This Scottish gal isn't afraid of anything.", she whispered as she dug her face into Hiccup's chest. Hiccup just sighed, grinned and caressed Merida on her back for comfort.

"Me thinks the Scottish gal is afraid of the bogeyman because he might dye her hair black and finally give her a soul for her to call her own.", Jack snickered as he still laid on the ground.

Merida frowned and stepped on his back and grunted with effort. Jack groaned in pain as he muttered, "Doth will never maketh me surrender to thy darkness of evil!"

"Okay, who gave Jack the Shakespearean potion?", Hans rhetorically asked as he sighed and crossed his arms.

"Uhm.. I might've given him a DVD of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet four years ago..", Hiccup admitted.

"Four years ago? Is this potion long lasting?", Hans sighed.

"Were thou into Harry Potter back then?", Jack asked.

"Indeed, I was. Read all the books, watched all the movies.", Hans proudly said as he rolled up his right sleeve to show Jack his tattoo of a lightning bolt on his upper arm that looked like Harry Potter's scar.

"Aha.. were thou also gay back then?", Jack laughed.

"Harry Potter doesn't make you gay!", he exclaimed.

Jack nodded and gave him a thumbs up as he held himself back from laughing out loud.

"Hey, Ron. Where's Harry and Hermione?", Jack teased.

Hans gritted his teeth and stepped on Jack's back. Jack, then again, groaned in pain.

"My father will hear about this!", Jack still kept on laughing, and the more he laughed, the more Hans hurt him.

"Hey, Hans--you're not wearing thou dress robes. Dumblefloor will get pissed at thou.", Jack continued to tease.

"It's 'Dumbledore'! You stupid muggle!", Hans exclaimed in anger as he stepped on him again.


"Meridarling--are you still frightened?", Hiccup whispered to Merida but he had his eyes on Hans and Jack.

"Nah, when this Scottish gal is amused, she forgets all abou' her fears.", she whispered back with a snicker as she crossed her arms and watched Hans and Jack, as well.

"Also because ye're here to protect me from harm.", Merida said with a smile as she grabbed Hiccup's hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Hiccup smiled as he held her hand tightly.


"I wonder what the four goons are doing right now.", Anna wondered as she played agario on her laptop. Grunting every time she got eaten by another stupid player.

"Ha, Hans texted me that Jack was a scaredy cat in the artificial jungle earlier so I think Jack is squealing in fear right now.", Elsa laughed as she grabbed the blowdryer, plugged it in and started drying her hair after she took a short bath.

"I would give anything just to see that.", Rapunzel laughed. But then she stopped laughing and threw her laptop on the bed with a little brute force.

"What? What is it? Why'd you throw your laptop?", Elsa asked.

"Well.. your sister, 'bringerofdeath', just ate me.", Rapunzel said as she looked sharply at Anna--who was still alive in agario.

"Oopsy..", Anna snickered.



Oh my god, best chapter ever! Hans is a Potterhead! Woohoo!

By the way, I am recommending this fun game that you play online--agario! I watched PewDiePie, one of my gods, play it and I thought--'hey, would be fun if I added this to DIMTRC'.

I never actually thought about that but it's an amusing and pressuring game--play it, it'll be awesome.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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