Chapter 46: Anna! (Pt. 1)

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"Ha, I knew it. Now, come on.", Kristoff laughed knowingly as he ushered for her to follow him as he grabbed a lantern and started walking.

It was already getting dark, so that's why Kristoff needed the source of light.


"Mm.. I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to bed, guys.", Rapunzel muttered as she was about to go upstairs when Hans blocked her way.

"Hey!", Rapunzel exclaimed.

"Nope, nobody's sleeping until Anna gets back.", Hans said with a smile as he looked at Elsa, who genuinely smiled back at him.

"What are you--some kind of hero now?", Jack laughed.

"You shut your yaps, Mr. Cries-a-lot.", Hans said as he pointed to Jack. Which finally made Jack shut up.

"Well, wha' are we gunna do while we wait for Anna to come back?", Merida asked him, she sounded tired, too.

So, Hiccup made her lay her head on his lap and let her take a nap or something. But Merida was still awake.

"I don't know--we could play a game.", Hans suggested.

Everyone groaned.

"A gay'me? Like wha'?", Merida asked him.

"I don't know.. spin the bottle, truth or dare, anything!", Hans exclaimed in glee.

"Fine. Let's play spin.", Jack said as he grabbed an empty bottle of water from the counter. Hans shook his head and corrected him..

"Jack, it's 'spin the bottle'."

"It has the word 'spin' in it, so it's still the same thing.", Jack replied.


"Why is it so dark already?", Anna whispered to Kristoff.

"Because, it's already quarter to eight.", Kristoff said as he pointed to her watch. Anna raised an eyebrow, weirded out by his sudden action.

"Why did you check my watch? Don't you have your own watch?", she asked out of complete suspicion.

"The only clock I have is a wall clock and I just decided not to bring it with me.", Kristoff made a little joke. Anna just laughed for a while but realized..

'I pity him..'


"Mer, it landed on you! You gotta do it!", Jack exclaimed in fear as he hid behind Rapunzel. It was because Hans spun the bottle first and it landed on Merida. And of course, Jack made a little comment.

"I guess Mer's new kink are green eyed guys.", that's what Jack commented earlier, which made Merida chase him around.

"Aye, but first I'll have to punch ya.", Merida said as she cracked her neck and formed her hands into fists.

"Woah, why?!"

"Because I decided that my own version of spin the bottle landed on you."


"This is the weirdest game we've ever played.", Hiccup whispered to Elsa as they all watched Merida chase Jack while Jack hid behind Rapunzel.

"Huh, yeah, well--it's kind of my first time playing it so..", Elsa was saying when Hiccup cut her off. "What?!"

"It's just--I have no time for silly games and such.. the only thing I need to focus on is my career path and to study well.", Elsa reasoned.

This made Hiccup really wonder.

'Then what about..'


"Huh, what?", Elsa asked.

"What about Hans?", Hiccup clarified.

Elsa slowly thought about if for a while but ended up shrugging.

"I mean.. you two are dating now, right? I see the way you two look at each other.", Hiccup said with a smug ass smile on his face.

"Don't you have better things to do than watch other people stare at each other?", Elsa exclaimed. Hiccup shook his head and told her..

"I follow my heart first because it beats fast sometimes for a reason."



Say hello to inspirational Hiccup!

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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