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Okay, I'm having a cover contest. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER.

Okay. The title must be still the same: 'Did I.. Make the Right Choice?'

It should have the author's name: WhyJustNow

It can have (optional) your username/ name also on it so other readers can see who made the beautiful cover.

It must have Rapunzel and Elsa at the top. Jack, Hiccup and Merida at the bottom.

The cover must be dashing and of course, I will be the one to judge each and every one of your doohickeys.


3rd place - gets to choose who Jack will choose: Rapunzel or Elsa.

2nd place - gets to make what he/she wants to happen in one chapter he/she wants to be done on.

1st place (grand winner) - gets to be dedicated on every chapter, I follow him/her, recommend him/her to my friends, add him/her to my bio, choose the fate of Rapunzel, Elsa and Jack, gets to make what he/she wants to happen in five chapters, and to get to work with me on any story he/she wants to work on with me.

So the winner of the contest gets a huge prize.. what's up with that? xD

The last day of the contest is on October 11, 2014 at 4:00 PM and Oct. 11 is next week Saturday which means you guys have all week to fix up a cover. :-)

Did I.. Make the Right Choice?Where stories live. Discover now