Chapter 70: The End(?)

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The next morning, the lake-house was left empty by the uninvited guests that came last night.

Hiccup and Merida slept well, since Hiccup didn't drink any alcohol and Merida did but only a little.

Elsa forgot about Hans, removed her skimpy dress, took a bath and changed into her pajamas to sleep.

Anna woke up next to Kristoff, he wasn't naked and neither was she but they still slept together, which was a bit nice.

Jack and Flynn gave up on clearing out the couples from the bedrooms and slept on the couches.

Hans woke up, quite satisfied with what he did last night, but he felt a little bit guilty because he still loved Elsa.


When they all woke up, they went to the eating area to have breakfast. But one of the chefs stood there holding a piece of paper.

"Uhm.. what's that in your hand?", Hans asked the chef.

"Miss Rapunzel left this to us last night before leaving and told me to read it out to all of you before serving you all your food.", with what the chef said, all of their eyes widened.

"Left? Did she have her suitcases with her?", Jack asked, worry in his tone. 'What is going on?', he thought.

"Yes. May I read the letter to all of you now?", the chef asked.

And they all nodded as they had their ears open.

The chef cleared his throat before reading the letter.

"Guys, I'm so sorry if I left without letting you guys know. But I know who I am now and.. I think you all are better off without me. But I have a message for all of you.

Hans, I know we had a great time, we have a history together. But last night was a mistake. You're my friend but I don't think I can see you right now. Maybe ever.

Elsa, I know you know about Jack and I. I hope you don't feel too sad about your breakup. I don't want you to feel sad because you're one of my best friends.

Anna, we met just a few days ago, but that's nothing compared to the bond we have. Instead of being friends, we're more like sisters at how we are so alike with each other.

Hiccup, you're one of the special people in my life, considering we've known each other since forever. And I'm grateful that you entered my life. Don't forget that.

Merida, do I have to even say anything? You're my best friend, my human diary, my shoulder to cry on and my other half. We didn't have any problems and that's awesome.

Flynn, I know that you're angry for what I did. But you still have a place in my heart, we were lovers for a time, don't take it the wrong way, but we're not meant to be. Because you're my best friend.

Jack, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. You were the worst thing for a moment, but that was before. I know you made a mistake by cheating on me.

But you came back to me. Which means that you still love me, and I'm glad that you still do. And I just want you to know that I've always loved you.

I'll write to some of you soon.", after the chef finished reading the letter out, he placed it on the table and went back into the kitchen.

Breakfast was really quiet. Some were smiling because of the letter and a few were crying. But Jack did both. He didn't bawl his eyes out, he just wept very quietly.

"Where did she go?", Elsa asked.

"I.. I don't know. But I'm going to find out.", Jack said as he took a deep breath, took the letter and went upstairs to grab his bags. Then he started walking out of the lake-house.

Merida, Hiccup, Flynn, Elsa and Anna chased after him.

"Where du ya think ye're goin' without us, mist'r?", Merida smiled as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Woah, no. Too much burden to bear, guys. Wait.. where's Hans?", Jack asked as he looked around.

"He didn't want to come. After all, Rapunzel did suffice that she never wanted to see him again.", Anna pointed out.

"True, but.. what did he do to make Rapunzel hate him so much?", Jack brought up his suspicions.

"Yeah, and what happened to them last night?", Hiccup added.

"Look, guys.. we'll never know unless we find Rapunzel.", Elsa said as she narrowed her eyes at them.

"Right.", Jack nodded.

"Oh, I'm gonna come with you guys. I'm a doctor and maybe there's some danger out there and you guys might get injured.", Flynn said as he pointed to himself.

"Uh, du ya think Rapunzel went to the oth'r side of the wurld?", Merida sarcastically said and sighed.

"I think it's possible, darling.", Hiccup said.

"Oh, wot?!", Merida exclaimed.

"It is possible, Mer. She could've rode a plane. But the question is where did she go and why did she go there?", Anna said.

"Och, fay'ne.", Merida groaned.

"Anyway, maybe we should find a ride first before going on this adventure to Mordor.", Hiccup suggested.

They all sighed.

"This isn't Lord of the Rings, Hiccup. This is real life.", Jack said in annoyance as his tone was serious.

"Okay, sorry. We really need a ride, though."

"Guys?", they heard a voice from behind.

Hans appeared.

"What do you want?", Jack glared at him.

"I have a plane you guys could use. I have cars, too.", he informed as he tossed Jack one keychain with several keys.

"Oh, thanks, Hans.", Anna kindly said.

"And my pilot and plane is at the Spoonswell Airport. Walk up to the help desk and give them this.", he said while handing Flynn the envelope.

They all nodded and thanked him.

"Good luck with the adventure. The cars are in the lake-house's garage, you guys can pick any car. Just call me if you need anything.", he said and walked back into the lake-house.

"Well, let's go.", Jack said.

They all nodded in agreement as they headed on to the lake-house's garage.



Well, that was satisfying to write.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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