Chapter 19: Why Is It So Quiet?

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In the morning, most of them didn't really wanted to wake up. Most of them had a terrible night, while some, like Elsa, had a very nice nap.


They had their breakfast first and Rapunzel quietly ordered the Italian buffet with pasta, pizza and whatnot.

No one spoke to one another, not even the couples.

Jack had a busted lip. Hans' nose was bleeding, but he had a cotton plugged in his nostril to stop the blood from dripping. Hiccup was having an after shock. Merida didn't even bother to look up from her food, she kept her head down. Rapunzel didn't even wanted to look at Flynn and the same goes for Flynn with her.

Elsa and Anna were the only ones who were in a happy mood and were really tempted to ask what happened, but maybe it wasn't the best time to ask.

So, breakfast went very, very quietly.


"Elsa uh.. do you want to come with me and Rapunzel? We're going to walk in the woods today.", Jack asked Elsa shyly as they got to their rooms.

Elsa was reading a book and Anna went with Merida and Hiccup to the lake to swim again. Elsa smiled at Jack and said, "No, no, you two go. I'd really love for you two to hang out."

"Really? I mean, you're my.. girlfriend and I don't want you to be alone.", Jack replied. Hesitant on the word 'girlfriend'.

"Listen, I've been thinking and we should talk about that..", Elsa nervously said as she put down her book and sat properly.

"Yeah, of course, I love to talk.", Jack said, trying hard not to sound happy.

Deep down, Jack wanted to break up with Elsa too but he doesn't want Elsa to end up getting hurt because of him, but now he was really in luck.


Rapunzel and Flynn went up to their room and they didn't speak to each other as they got there. Flynn just went on his phone while Rapunzel changed her clothes.

'What am I thinking? Rapunzel, you don't have to change your clothes! But.. I really want to impress Ja--what am I thinking about?!'

Rapunzel thought madly. She felt guilty because Flynn and her already had a house and Flynn, even though he had no life in Rapunzel's hometown, he was still willing to live with her and spend his summer with her.

She hated herself for doing this to Flynn.

"Uh, I'm gonna go now.", Rapunzel said as she was opening the door.

Flynn sighed and put his phone down. "Rapunzel, I think we should talk about this. About last night.", he said, with nerve in his tone.

Rapunzel kept thinking that he was breaking up with her, and she felt kind of happy, but still sad. I mean, the man will have to move out and fly back to Germany just because Rapunzel was stupid enough to fall for Jack again.

'Well.. I never did stop loving Jack. He just really knows how to make me fall for him again. I feel like he's important to me rather than Flynn. I guess this is the best thing to do. To just be honest and break up with Flynn.'



I bet you guys are sad for Flynn, because I am.

Like, come on, the guy left his life in Germany to live with you.

By the way, I can't wait for your fanarts.

So anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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