1. are you okay

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3 years later...

rafes pov:

i was at my spot.

"hey mom" i whisper. "its been awhile since i came here and talked to you.." i say.

"my girl, aria, i tell her all about you. you would really love her i know it. one day im ganna bring her here, it can be her spot just like its mine" i say.

"i miss kaylen to, I try and get over her but it's hard when I go there more than once a week, because of ari." i explain.

"but, its okay because i have a new girlfriend now, her name is anessa and she's really chill, aria loves her." i say.

"i didn't need to say much. i just came here to say i miss you. and i love you, and aria loves you, even though she hasn't met you i know she loves you." i say.

" i dont know if i told you this but kaylen actually wanted ari's last name to be cameron instead of thorton. she wanted her to have my name mom" i say as i smile.

"and her middle name is mae. it was kaylens idea to make her middle name your name and i really loved that"  i say.

"aria, mae, cameron" i say.

"she's adorable" i nod to myself.

"i cant wait to see her, today i'm going to kaylens place to get her, we switch every 2 days, I know that's not a lot but we both love her and miss her like crazy so we don't want to stay away from her too much" i explain.

"we both bought houses in the obx. its hard taking care of ari, but anessa helps me, she stays with me a lot and helps take care of ari. I am worrying about kaylen though." i say.

"she works at the country club, and takes care of ari, i dont know how she does both. i think topper helps her sometimes. i hope she's okay" i say.

"anyways i love you a lot, i need to go" i whisper as i wipe some tears that had fallen and walk to my car.

kaylens pov:

"hey love do you want to wear your purple dress, or your new shorts and your blue tank top?" i ask.

"umm.. new one" she says. "okay" i say.

"arms up" i say as i take off her shirt and put on her cute blue tank top, with flowers on it. i then put on her new shorts and smile to my self as i look at her.

"you look beautiful baby" i say. "tanks you momma" she says with a laugh. "you're welcome" i smile.

she runs out of her room and in to the living room, to play with her toys and watch the tv.

i pack some of her stuff into a little backpack for rafe. I knew he'd that needed since he had every possible thing she could ever need at his house but I still gave him one every single time, just in case.

i walked in to the living room and saw her climbing the couch.

"be careful, get down ar" i say. when she doesn't get down i walk over and pick her up and place her down making her laugh.

"can i put your hair in to a pony tail? its all in your face." i say. "no." she whines.

"pleeeassee" i say. she shakes her head no.

"it will only take one minute" i say.

she doesn't reply so i whip out a little scrunchie from my pocket and tie her hair up. "see, it looks cute" i say as i stick my tongue out at her making her laugh.

"are you exited to see dadda?" i ask. "mhm? he coming to-day?" she asks. "yeah he should be here soon" i say.

"i can bring sally to dadda house?" she asks as she holds her stuffed animal she named sally. "yes, of course of you" i say.

theres a knock on the door. "speak of the devil" i say with a laugh. "what does devil?" she says. "oh- baby it's just an expression, forget about it" i say as i walk to the door.

rafe stands there. "hi" he smiles. "hey come in" i say. he walks in and i shut the door behind him.

"dada!" aria yells as she runs over to him and hugs his leg.

"well hello to you to love" he smiles as he picks her up and hugs her.

"i go your house?" she asks. "yes baby, my house" he says.

she smiles as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"i like your hair." he says as he kisses her cheek making her squish her little face as she smiles.

"i told you it looked nice" i say as she laughs.

"m-m-me and mo-momma tent shopping testerday a-and i buy new toy- s-sally a-a-and new shorts dadda!" she smiles as she points to her shorts.

"oh thats so cool. i love them" he says with a smile.

"i like your hat dadda" she says as she reaches up and touched the hat he had places on his head backwards.

i liked it too.

"you like my hat? thanks baby" he says.

i pass him her little backpack. "here you go" i say.

he smiles as he takes it. "thank you" he says.

"hey darling can you play for a couple minutes before we go so i can talk to momma?" he asks.
talk to me? he never stays to talk?

she nods her head as he puts her down and happily runs over to her toy kitchen and starts making a mess with all the plastic food.

great more cleaning.

"talk?" i question him.

"nothing bad, i promise" he says.

"how are you?" he asks, actually seeming concerned. "me? im great, why?" i ask.

"honestly kaylen" he says. "its good, arias good so im g-" he interrupts me.

"no, i know she's good im asking about you." he says. "what the hell do you mean?" i ask.

he shrugs. "im good rafe. im tried, but im fine" i say. "i feel so bad for you" he says. "why?" i ask.

"you work, and take care of her all alone" he says. "i have topper" i correct him.

"toppers 19 years old, kaylen, hes a kid still" he says. "so? he still helps me a lot"  i say.

"i should be asking this to you" i say as i place a hand on my hip.

god im doing the mom move.

he slightly laughs. "you know i have help." he says. "oh right anessa" i say in disgust.

"i still cant believe you dated her. out of all the people in the word." i say. "look, im sorry but i like her, and its going good. she told me she's sorry for treated you badly" he says.

"she didn't say that to me" i say. he sighs. "look kaylen we're broken up it shouldn't matter" he says.

"well i just think its funny you got with the girl i wasn't supposed to worry about" i say.

"just take aria and leave i dont wanna see you." i say. realizing it was harsh but saying it anyways. "jesus christ okay" he says.

"hey aria, come on were leaving now" rafe says in a much different tone.

she runs over and he puts on her shoes.

"give your momma your hugs and kisses and were leaving" he says.

"bye-bye momma i see tou later" she smiles as i squat down so she can hug me.

"bye, baby, i love you." i say. "i wove you to" she smiles.

i kiss her cheek before her and rafe leave.


i never thought i would write a sequel for any one of my books but here i am.

i love you guys loads

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