37. plane

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we were going to go pick up aria from school and then go straight to the airport for the bahamas our bags were all packed and ready.

me and rafe walked in to her pre school and looked around for her, when we saw her sobbing on the floor, her teacher beside her trying to calm her down.

this wasn't like fake fuck you kind of tears these were real tears.

when she saw us, she sprinted over. "m-mo-omma up" she cries as she reaches her arms up.

she only asks for me when somethings wrong. other wise she wants rafe.

my mom insists kick in as i pick her up and hug her.

"what happened darling?" rafe asks as he rubs her back.

she doesn't say anything, she just sobs on my shoulder.

her teacher walks over to us. "she's having a tough day" she says. "what happened!?" rafe says.

"it started off with some kids making fun of her shoes, and then someone ruined her paining, someone ate the cookie she had in her lunch and then what absolutely made her loose it was we were just outside and someone threw a ball and it hit her in the head. it wasn't a hard hit but still" she explains.

"you just let all that happen!?" rafe says. "i tried not to!" she says.

"i got no friends momma no one like me" she cries as i wipe away her tears. "i love you baby, come on were ganna go on the plane soon." i say as i grab her backpack and walk out.

me and rafe get her in to the car and comfy, i sit in the back with her while rafe drives to the airport.

"i dont wanna go school no more evwybody meanie" she pouts.

"im sorry baby" rafe says as i hold her small hand in mine.

"are you exited to go see auntie sarah and uncle topper and go on the plane?" i ask. she nods with a slight smile.

soon we arrive at the airport. i push arias stroller and rafe has the bags.

once we go through security and wait for awhile we bored the plane.

theres 3 sears per row and aria insisted she got window seat so i sat in the middle because i insisted on not sitting in the aisle.

sarah topper and some stranger were in front of us.

aria found it absolutely hilarious to constantly pull topper hair from th crack in between the seats.

"you wanna watch a movie baby?" i ask. she shakes her head yes.

"alladin?" i ask. she shakes her head no. "a-at school keneth tell me it a baby movie" she says.

"are you kidding me? im 22 years old and its my favourite movie so that kid can shu-sh-sh learn to be real" i say.

i grab rafes phone and play alladin, putting her headphones on her ears.

once she is occupied i sigh as i turn my head to look at rafe. "whats wrong?" rafe asks. "nothing my head just hurts" i say.

he frowns "you want some water?" he asks. "no.. i just wanna sleep" i say.

he pushes up the arm rest in between us "c'mere" he says.

the seat belt sighn was off so i took off my seat belt and scooted closer to him, letting him wrap an arm around me and trying to sleep on his shoulder.


i woke up and sat up straight, yawning. "nice nap?" rafe asks. i nod.

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