30. cant stop crying

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after me and rafe went home we went to bed, the next day we spent with aria and just did a bunch of nothing.

later rafe took aria home to sleep since we still did "our days" with her.

it was only around 7pm so i took milo on a walk.

when i reached my house i noticed someone behind me but i ignored it and shut the door.

i let the puppy off his leash and he ran over to his water and started drinking it.

i went to lock the front door but as i touched the door someone opened it and walked in, shutting it behind them.


"you're lil boy toy still hasn't gotten me my money." he says angrily as he points his gun at me.

"i dont have any fucking money barry! i really dont have anything to give you!" i say in frustration.

"nah, but you can pay me like you were ganna last time hm?" he asks. "get out of my house." i say.

he presses the gun up to my chest. "take off your clothes darling. we'll continue from where we left off" he grins.

milo starts barking like crazy at barry.

"get this bitch to shut up!" he says as he points the gun towards him.

in fear i pick up milo and go put him in a room where his bed is, and his water.

"now we can continue" barry says.

when i dont do anything he takes the gun off safety mode. "okay! okay!" i say as i start to take off my clothes.

god why couldn't he just get money from rafe.


i sat on my couch on all 4s in sweat and breathing heavily. he taps my back to let me know he's done and immediately i start putting my clothes back on.

he is dressed so he stands up and shows me a phone screen.

its a video of us doing it, you cant see him but you can see me.

its caption is

sorry bro she practically begged me to do this. ~ anonymous

"please dont post that" i say. "dont worry sweat cheeks, this is only going to your man. sending it anonymously so he wont know its me." he grins.

"you're fucking sick!" i say.

"ah but now he dont owe my no money. i think it was a good deal" he grins.

he walks to the door. "nice doing business with you!" he yells as he leaves.

i immediately go and lock my door.

i then wipe away my tears as i go let out milo.

i decide to go see what topper doing since im bored and honestly need to be with someone right now.

i made sure to give milo his food before i leave.

i get in my car and drive to my old house.

i hope i dont see my mom and go straight to toppers room.

actually i hope topper home i didn't even call him.

when i get there i walk in to the house and immediately see my mom on the floor, with a bottle of pills beside her. "no" i whisper.

i get down on the floor and she has no heart beat or pulse.

"n-no!" i say as tears stream down my face.

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