epilogue two (sad)

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i was nine months pregnant, the baby was due any day now.

topper and sarah had their baby two weeks ago, they had a girl and named her emerald. she was adorable. aria loved her already.

me and rafe has been fighting, a lot recently.

rafe had ended up taking over cameron development but the stress of it was really getting to him to he coped with cocaine.

i told him to just stop working so much, but he kept telling me we needed the money as we had another baby on the way.

i told him we had more then enough and he needed to take a break for his own health but he wouldn't listen to me.

everything caused us to fight a lot and most of the time we barely even talked in the day.

currently rafe was putting aria to bed, while i ate a late dinner.

i finished eating and started to wash dishes when- jesus christ i think i pissed my pants.

nothing got on the floor so i ran to the washroom and when i took off my underwear i realized it wasn't pee, my water had broken!

oh god.

i took off my pants and underwear and put on nee ones before going to find rafe.

i was honestly nervous since we weren't exactly walking.

he was sitting on our bed, phone in his hands.

"rafe.." i said, he looked up from his phone screen and nodded, waiting for me to talk.

"i-my water broke." i say. "what?!" he says as he stands up.

"holy shit- i- sit down- wait no lets go to the hospital!" he says.

"rafe you're supposed to go when conditions are like 5 minutes apart." i say. "how far apart are they now?" he asks.

i shrug. "it hurts really bad but like 20 minutes apart." i say.

he nods his head. it was so awkward.

"you think we're ganna go tonight?" he asks. "honestly maybe, i feel worse and worse every hour." i say.

"okay.. i-im ganna call whezzie and tell her it might be tonight, so she can be ready to come over and get aria if we need to go." he says. i nod my head.

"um.. can i do something?" he asks. "what?" i ask.

"like.. i dunno run you a bath? what can i do to make you feel better?" he asks.

"rafe just.. cut the shit dont act like we weren't screaming at each other an hour ago." i sighed. "kay.. you know i love you, i still care about you i dont want you to be hurting." he says.

i slightly smile, as i nod, before walking away.

"hey kaylen wait." he says. "hm?" i ask.

"i said i love you." he says quietly, almost in a mumble. "i love you to rafe." i sigh as i leave the room.

i couple tears that i didn't know i was holding fell from my eyes.

and oh great here comes a contraction.

"shit." i mumbled. the pain was so bad, my pregnancy was much worse now, then with aria.

i really wished things were better with rafe right now, i wanted someone to hold me and tell me it would be okay, but it was okay, i could get through this.

i took deep breaths as i waited for it to be over, i just wanted my baby to be here already, and out of me.


it was almost two in the morning, and i was sitting up in the bed, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

rafe was trying his best to help me, but neither of us knew what to do.

the contractions weren't quite five minutes apart but I couldn't take it anymore, i really couldn't.

"rafe i cant take this lets just go now." i mumbled in between sobs. "whatever you say." he rubs my back as he pulls out his phone to call whezzie.

rafe loads the car with our to go bag as we wait for whezzie, and once she gets here we leave.


3rd person.


on the drive to the hospital kaylens contractions did infant become very close together.

when they got to the hospital in was only a couple hours before she could start pushing except the doctors realized the babys head was not in a good position to push, so a c-section would be a better way to go.

the doctors put kaylen to sleep before starting the c-section and rafe stood to the side, trying not to look at what they were doing because he was worried he would literally throw up.

about 10 min later crys were heard, they're baby boy was born!

rafe got to cut the umbilical cord and hold him as they stitched kaylen back together.

rafe was crying at this point, happy tears.

soon, the doctors took away the baby for check ups.

after while the baby was wrapped up in a blanket and packing rafes arms.

rafe couldn't wait until kaylen woke up, he was more than excited to be able to show her the baby that they created, the one that looked just like her.

a doctor walked in and asked to speak to rafe outside of the hospital room.

rafe set the baby in to the bassinet thing and stepped outside.

"mr. cameron, i am... im very sorry to say that mrs. cameron, kaylen, she-she lost to much blood." he explains. "what are you saying?" rafe asked, not sure what he meant.

would kaylen wake up later? was something wrong with her health?

"um.. sir.. kaylen may not be waking back up." the doctor said.

rafes whole world felt like it collapsed, it felt like the roof of his house just broke down on top of him.

it felt like somebody took his heart out of his chest and stomped on it until it was broken.

"what are you saying?" rafe asked again. "im
sorry." the doctor said.

"no! no you better say it properly or i-i wont believe-i-i don't believe you tell me this is a sick joke!" rafe raised his voice.

"im sorry, shes gone, there were complications during the surgery, she passed away." the doctor says.

and that was it.

rafe broke down in the hallway, his bottom lip quivered, as he uncontrollably sobbed.

he fell to the floor, and had his head fell in to his lap.

some may say he was being dramatic but he couldn't give a shit.

he wanted to kill himself.

he very literally wanted to get a gun and shoot himself in the head, or maybe just jump off a cliff , or- you know maybe stab himself, but he needed to be strong, he had kids to live for.

if he couldn't look for himself, he had to live for the little people that would look up to him, and he had to live for his wife.

he beautiful, strong, amazingly fucking perfect wife.

even if she was in another world, she would always be his whole world, and more.


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