17. hurt

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after we made cookies we took aria on a walk to get her energy out before we can home, gave her a bath and put her to bed.

me and rafe sat on the couch just talking.

"i wanna put her in like those mommy and me sports things like where i can skate with her since she always has so much energy." i say.

"i wanna do mommy and me with her." he pouts.

i almost laugh at the thought of rafe doing a mommy and me class.

"we can do like a family class and both go with her?" i say. he smiles as he looks at me. "what?" i say while laughing.

"nothing you just- you said family so naturally, like you didn't even have to think about it." he says. "well we are both her family, and even if we're not together we are her parents." i say as he nods.

"but we should really do that i think she would love it." he says. "yeah ill look in to it." i nod.

"i have presents for aria i brung them here so you could maybe wrap them for me?" he asks.

"you are 22 years old and you don't know how to wrap a present" i say while laughing.

"shut up its hard." he says.

"thats what she said." i whisper making him put up his middle finger as i laugh.

"will you help me or not, come on." he says. "yeah ill help you bring them here" i say.

he leaves to go to his car and comes back a minute later and drops some gifts on to the couch.

"these are all for her, and i got this for whezzie." he says. "okay, ill go get the stuff to wrap them." i say.


around 20 minutes later we (me) finish wrapping all the presents and put them underneath my tree.

"do you wanna watch like a scary movie?" he asks. "rafe its christmas time, we should be watching some christmas movies like- i dunno home alone" i say.

"you wanna watch home alone? cuz im down for that" he says.

"yeah" i smile as we sit beside each other on the couch and i turn on home alone.

"its already the 20th, the partys on the 22nd did you ask anessa yet?" i ask. "no. i dont want to im waitng until last minute so she will hopefully already have a date and have to say no." he explains. "oh" i say.

"you're so far away come closer" he says.

"im right beside you" i slightly laugh.

"you know what i mean" he whines. i scoot closer to him and straddle his lap, snuggling my head in to the crook of his neck.

he wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head. "i really like you kaylen, so much, like i seriously feel the same as before we broke up." he whispers.

i take my head out of its resting position to look him in the eyes. "what?" i say.

"don't act like you didn't already know that" he says as he lets out a breath.

"i-i just wasn't expecting that." i say.

"we're literally actually like we're dating, so you gotta feel at least something. don't tell me you're not even a little happy we finally are.. nice, with each other again." he says.

"no, rafe trust me i am, im so grateful that we are, and, i promise you- i promise i do really like you but i- i dont think im ready for something." i say.

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