48. reports

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because then liam would leave and we could hit the road since we were heading over to quins place, for the wedding.

after we ate, i did some last minute packing, liam went home, and now rafe was getting all our stuff in to his truck while i got aria shoes on. she would hopefully sleep the whole drive since it was around 8 and her bedtime is 830.

i called aria preschool teacher and told her aria would be missing a couple days, and i dropped off milo with topper.

i finished putting on arias shoes, and was now putting on her jacket.

rafe walked in to the house. "i forgot my suit at my house i need to go get it ill be back in 20 max" he says. "oh god hurry up" i say as he practically runs out the door.

"dadda so silly" aria shakes her head making me laugh. "so silly" i repeat.

"i so excit' to see riley" she smiles. "you're ganna get to have so much fun with her, aren't you?" i say. "yeah!!" she cheers.

"you wanna eat a snack?" i ask, changing the topic. "yeah!" she nods.

we walk over to the kitchen. "is an orange good baby?" i ask. "mhm" she nods.

i peel the orange for her, before passing it to her.

theres a knock on the door.

i walk over to the door, aria follows me.

"who here momma?" she asks. "i dunno love." i say as i open the door.

shoupe? "um can i help you?" i ask, trying to be nice.

"hey uh i have an several reports of- uh aria darling can you go play with some toys please?" shoupe asks. "otay." aria says as she waddles away.

"several reports of abuse." he says. "abuse what abuse?" i say.

"child abuse." he says. "um what?" i say. "i have had reports saying you mentally and physically abused your daughter." he says.

"im sorry? excuse me?" i say. "who said that?" i add.

"im sorry ma'am i cant release that information." he says.

"why would i ever hurt her?!" i say, getting frustrated, and mad someone could even assume that.

"kaylen im ganna need you to calm down" he says. "dont tell me to calm down when you're accusing me of these awful things." i say.

"we are ganna need to talk to you properly, and until then im taking aria" he says.

"what? are you kidding me?!" i say. "absolutely not" i say as tears prick in my eyes.

"im sorry its what im required to do" he says. "no-no-no i-if you don't believe me, at least take her to her dad, take her to rafe, actually he will he here soon we were supposed to head out of town for his cousins wedding" i say as i wipe away tears that start to fall.

"im afraid i cant do that" he says. "why not!? you dont have any reports of him doing fucking child abuse!" i say.

"no but we do have files that show his abuse towards you from the past." he says.

"this isn't fucking fair." i whisper. "professional language please" he says.

"please, please i beg you just dont take her wherever the hell you would, take her somewhere else then to-take her to my brother topper- o-or rafes sister sarah" i say.

before he can say anything rafes walks in.

he looks confused when he sees shoupe, and the tears running down my face.

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