38. water

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we  all walked in to the living room and were surprised when we saw her on the couch.

"oh hey slow pokes" she smirks.

"the fuck are you doing here? you know we can call the cops you literally broke in!" sarah says.

"oh honey your dad paid for my flight and everything, he wanted me with you guys" she smirks.

"fucking hell" rafe says.

"i already got the rooms arranged, since apparently topper and sarah are a thing they can have the room at the top floor so yeah, and then katie and aria can share a room together somewhere, and me and rafe got the big room on the 2nd floor" she explains.

"sarah and topper can sleep wherever the fuck they want, me and kaylen are sleeping in the room we already picked, and aria has her own room but she's now sleeping with us because i dont trust your
psycho ass. and if you really must be such a suck up to my dad then fine, you can sleep in the attic," rafe says.

"uhm katie would you mind sleeping in another room?" she says.

"yes, bitchessa i do mind." i smile.

she starts talking but topper interrupted her. "if you could excuse us we are leaving." he says as we all walk away and up the stairs.

topper had aria in his arms as they and sarah walk to a room upstairs.

i walked to my room as rafe followed me.

"my head hurts fucking bad again" i groan.

he frowns as he looks at me. "what can i do to help you" he asks as he kisses my forehead.

i shake my head. "i dunno" i say.

"you want water? tylenol, a bath, i dont know" he says.

"maybe ill take a bath." i say.

"whatever you need" he says.

i nod as i walk to the bathroom. i start to run water in the tub and put my hair up in a bun, not wanting to get it wet since i liked how it looked today.

"rafe!" i yell. "yeah?" he says as he walks in to the bathroom.

"you wanna maybe bath with me?" i ask as my face gets slightly red.

"is that even a question?" he smirks. i slightly laugh as he kisses me.

"is that tub even big enough 'cuz i don't think im ganna fit in there" he says.

"suck it up and squeeze in" i say.

we both strip off our clothes and i put a foot in the water to feel the temperature before fully getting in.

rafe gets in and sits down, i sit directly in front of him, resting my head on his chest.

his arms snake around me in the water making me get butterflies.

he lays kisses from my shoulder all the way up my neck, then the bottom of my jaw.

i start laughing as he speaks. "i" "love" "you" he says in between kisses.

"i lo-love you too" i say slightly out of breath.

anessas pov:

i came all the way to the bahamas and rafe wont even acknowledge me.

this is

i walked up the stairs and in to the main bedroom, i head laughing coming from the bathroom so i went and knocked on the door.

"whoever you are dont come in" i hear rafe say.

i open the door and walk in, "god gross!" i say when i see them in the tub.

"what the fuck get out!" kaylen says as she covers her chest with her arms.

"fuck you guys are disgusting!" i say as i leave and slam the door.

i sit on the bed, waiting for them to come out.

about 10 minutes later kaylen and rafe walk in to the bedroom with towels wrapped around them.

"oh my god get out of our room you psycho!" rafe says.

"babe come on im not psycho i just wanted to hang" i smile. "just get out so we can change" kaylen says.

"fine katie." i say as i walk out.

god i need to get rafe to release im the one he wants not her.

i decide to call ward.

after a couple rings he answers "hi anessa hows it going in the bahamas?" he asks.

"bad, rafe wont even talk to me he's so brainwashed by kaylen" i say. he sighs.

"let me talk to him" he says. i knock on the door. "rafe your dad wants to talk to you!" i say.

he opens the door and grabs the phone. "no-no! no im a grown ass man im not listening to your bullshit anymore" he says as he hangs up the phone.

"rafe that was your dad thats so disrespectful!" i say. "oh shut up, talking about respect!" he says.

i hear loud crying. "shit thats aria" rafe says.

kaylen rushed out of the bedroom and to topper and sarahs room where aria is.

"now that she left and we are alone can we talk?" i ask. "no" says rafe.

kaylens pov:

i walk in to topper and sarahs room and see aria cuddled up with topper.

"why was she crying?" i ask sarah who was on her phone. "scary dream" she says. "ah" i nod as i sit down on the bed.

"im ganna get you guys sick" i laugh.

i then decide i actually dont wanna get them sick so i walk down to the kitchen.

i get a glass of water and then walk back upstairs.

i place my water down, use the bathroom, and then come back and take a sip, immediately feeling shitty.

"rafe" i yell.

he walks over to me and anessa follows behind him.

"i-im ganna pass out" i say as i grab on to him.

"what- why whats going on?!" he asks as he holds my hips.

"maybe your water was bad?" anessa says with a smirk.

"you fucked up my water you bitch i-" i cant finish my sentence because everything goes black.

anessas pov:

"the fuck did you do to her!?" rafe yells as he holds her body.

"i didn't do anything i swear!" i yell.

i only put a couple pills in there thats all.

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