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10:21 a.m
*your pov*

I walked into the kitchen and Jacob followed, he sat on the barstool in front of the counter while I walked around the island to the fridge.

"Should I cook breakfast orrr?" I asked. "Please do! I love when you cook" he replied smiling. I smiled back as I took the bacon, sausage, and eggs out of the fridge.

I grabbed pans and turned on the stove, placing the bacon in the grease and the sausage in the other pan.

"Baby can you grab that bowl in the top cabinet, I would get it but I don't wanna burn something and also I can't reach it anyway" I asked.

"Of course" he replied as he got up and walked around to the cabinet grabbing the bowl and handing it to me.

"Thanks" I said. "Anything for my short queen" he teased. "Wowww, you know what... No breakfast for you" I stated as flipped the bacon. "Wait no! I meant queen not short queen I promise" he pleaded. "Yeah whatever" I chuckled.

I made the waffle mix and poured it into the waffle maker, turning it on high so it would cook faster.

"Smells amazing" Harper yawned, she walked in and sat at the bar wrapped in her a blanket.

"Wow! Harpers up before 12? Are you sick?" Jacob joked as he put his hand on her forehead 'checking her temperature' I laughed at his joke and continued cooking "shut up" Harper groaned.

We all talked as I finished up cooking and put the food onto the plates.

"Mornin" Bryce said sleepily as he walked into the room. "Good morning" I replied. "Mornin" Jacob and Harper said.

"Ouuu food" Bryce cheered. "Y/n cooked so you know it's gonna hit" Harper said "oh whatever I'm not that good at cooking" I explained. "Yes. You are." Everyone stated. I laughed and handed them their plates of food and handed out drinks after.

I finally sat down and started eating as well. "I need you to make this every day." Jacob said as he took another bite. I smiled and looked over to Harper, her eyes were closed and she was chewing her food while doing her little happy dance, she's so cute lol.

"Damn Harper is it good? Your over there dancin and shit" Bryce laughed. "Leave me alone, I'm in my own little world enjoying my delicious food okay" she stated, waving her arm around for added sarcasm.

We all laughed at her reply and finished our food as we talked.

"So what's the plan for today?" Bryce asked as he put his plate in the dishwasher. "Well we could go boating, or we could go to town and shop. Or if y'all have any suggestions then we could do that" I replied.

"I wanna go shopping and then boating at sunset" Harper exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Ouuu yes!" I cheered.

"Cool" Bryce said. "Sounds chill" Jacob replied.

Harper and Bryce went to their rooms to change and Jacob and I went to ours.

We walked in and Jacob closed the door behind us. As I was about to walk further into the room Jacob grabbed my waist and spun me around to face him, slamming his lips onto mine once he did.

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