White Panther

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“One minute to drop-off, Sam.”

Sam gives a nod to Torres as Bucky asks, “What’s your plan, then?” She nods when he doesn’t answer. “So, no plan, then. Great.”

“45 seconds!” Torres calls out from the cockpit.

“Enjoy the ride, Buck.” Sam finally says and this time she doesn’t let it go.

“No. You can’t call me that.” Especially not while she’s still pissed at him, but she saves all that for a later time.

Sam barely contains a grin at her (rather cute, but) very annoyed pout. “And why not? That’s what Steve called you.”

Steve knew me a lot longer. And Steve always had a plan.” Bucky stares up at him with a slightly arched brow.

“20 seconds!”

Sam smirks back at her. “I have a plan.” He says simply before walking off towards the opening.

When she stands up and follows him he almost wants to reach out to steady her from the raging wind at such height and speed. But as well as knowing she would probably punch him out of annoyance – if not, out of reflex – he’s quickly reminded by the fact that she’s probably fifty times stronger than he is. Especially when he sees her just looking down onto the scenery racing below them, the wind racing heavily around her, but unmoving her.

What’s the plan?” Bucky asks, snapping him from his thoughts and when he looks at her she’s staring expectantly at him. She nods when he motions to the open hatch and glares after him when he sends her a smirk before diving out of the plane. “OK, great. Where’s the chute?” She asks Torres as he stares after Sam with rather endearing amazement written all over his face.

Torres’ eyes snap to hers and he grins a little as he says, “We’re at 200 feet. Too low for a chute.”

“Whatever. I don’t need one anyway.” Bucky huffs.

“You sure about that?” Torres doesn’t look convinced. Bless him, he even looks a little worried.

Bucky easily rips off the left sleeve of her leather jacket, shoots him a withering look and says, “I’m sure.” She then leaps out and immediately regrets her decision. “HOW THE FUCK DID STEVE MAKE THIS LOOK SO GODDAMN EASY!?” She falls for what feels like thirty minutes, in fact are only 30 seconds and to top things off, she’s then smashing through tree branches and she knows that even her metal arm won’t save her this time.

She lands on her back with a thud and a loud groan, thankfully onto some thick grass and thankfully her body only feels like it’s on fire for a few moments before she feels herself start to heal already.

Sam gives her a couple more moments before he’s speaking with utter glee in her earpiece. “I hope you know that I caught every second of that on camera and that I will never be deleting it.”

Bucky glares up at Redwing as “it” – she refuses to call it anything else – slowly hovers into sight a few meters above her. She takes a deep breath, just lying there for the moment, wallowing in her failure and bites out, “Get it out of my face, Sam, or I will destroy it.”

Sam bites out a chuckle, but takes mercy on her and says, “Alright. I’m sorry. Head North. Come on, get up, supersoldier.”

“I hate you.” Bucky grumbles, but does as she’s told, only with a lot of attitude this time.

“Yeah, yeah, I know you do.”

Then why the heck can she practically hear him grinning?

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