High Town

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“This is not good.”

Sam gives Zemo a withering look, arches a brow. With sarcasm, asks, “Oh, ya think?

Bucky ignores them – she can hear all the ‘pings’ of every goddamn person’s phone around them as they’re walking casually (but briskly) through the main streets of Low Town. She keeps herself on high alert, gives the (very attractive – but very skimpily dressed) woman behind the closest shop window a slight glare when she mimics shooting at the three of them with her fingers as they pass by.

They only reach a few more yards before all hell breaks loose for the third fucking time tonight. Bucky hears Sam mutter, “Shit,” right before shots fire at them from all directions. She steps in front of Sam with no more than instinct, brings her metal arm up just in time to deflect a few bullets and scoffs loudly when she sees Zemo run off behind them.

Move.” Bucky’s voice is a little sterner than she means it to be with Sam, but he’s nodding anyway, and then they’re both running for their fucking lives. She slows down a little to let him keep up with her, and almost laughs when she still hears him huffing and yelling behind her –

“Bucky! ...Girl, slow down! ...I can’t run in these fucking Cuban heels!!”

(He also didn’t think he could look more ridiculous, but here he damn well is!)

Bucky counts them both lucky, because these idiots all seem to have shitty aim. She uses this advantage, suddenly halts in her tracks and swirls around to reach for Sam and his cheesy suit (and laughable Cuban heels.) He tries to protest, both with his words and his hands, but she easily shoves them away and bends down to slide her metal arm around the back of his knees.

“Hey! Bu – Jane! Oh, hell, no!! Stop!!”

“Shut up, Samuel!” Bucky snaps, finally finds the volume in her voice. Though, she’s holding on to yet another smirk as she’s hauling his weight up effortlessly over her shoulder. She’s breaking into a run, and Sam was wrong, he thinks, now he looks even more ridiculous, and he lets her know it as she breaks into full speed, and he yells, “I know you’re just trying to help and I appreciate it, but this is not better!”

This time, Bucky does smirk. Though, it’s short-lived when she rounds the next corner and runs straight into Zemo. They pause, glancing at one another, Zemo’s face breaking into a highly amused grin as his eyes find Sam draped over her shoulder. Bucky glares at him as she finally lets Sam slide down onto his feet. Sam turns around and scoffs out a, “shut up” to Zemo just as he goes to open his mouth (with a smart-ass comment, no frigging doubt.)

“You seem to have a guardian angel.” Zemo says after a moment of silence when they actually notice the silence itself, the empty streets around them.

“You’re heavier than you look.” Bucky suddenly says as she glances over at Sam with a small smirk.

“It’s all muscle, I can assure you.” He replies after narrowing his eyes at her. Clearly, he thinks, though, he has to stop himself from smiling as he does, it’s his turn for her to tease him. (Not that she hasn’t been already.)

(Jesus Christ!! – he then thinks when she simply continues to smirk.)

And Bucky doesn’t doubt what he says for one second.

“By the way –“ Zemo will make fun of Sam being Bucky’s damsel in distress after he’s pointed out, ”– you couldn’t put your phone on silent?

Before Sam can do more than glare at Zemo again, they’re then interrupted by their... saviour.

“Well, this is too perfect.”

My Name Is Bucky [FemBucky&Sam]Where stories live. Discover now