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Just like she knew she would, Bucky finds Zemo at the Sokovian Memorial. He's alone, the place a "ghostly" site and sight to see. He's just standing there, just stares up at the statue of some poor Sokovian family. He seems to be just as lost in thought as that family are to the world, but Bucky knows he knows he's no longer alone, knows that he knew she was coming for him. Strange, she thinks, wonders why he didn't run after all, but doesn't really care enough to ask as she moves closer.

Zemo takes a small breath, finally pulls himself out of his busy mind when he hears her heavy boots along the gravel. He waits for the steps to stop, feels her standing just feet behind him now, but doesn't turn just yet. He continues to stare up at the large bronze statue, sends a silent prayer for the family as he speaks to her, "I thought you would be here sooner." He finally then slowly turns to face her as he says, "Don't worry, Jane. I've decided that I'm not going to kill you after all."

"...Kill him. Right now..."

Shut up, Bucky thinks back, holds on to a snort at his words and then calmly states, "Imagine my relief. The Winter Soldier in me is so pleased to hear that."

Zemo smiles with amusement at that, but then he's shooting her an oddly guilty look. "I must admit, at first, I completely despised everything about you."

This time Bucky does scoff.

"However," Zemo continues as if she hadn't. "That came from a rage I vowed to put aside, for my darling Heike..." He looks guilty again, and now Bucky is slightly weirded out - she's just that used to the hate. "Of all the supersoldiers that have ever been," He looks sincere now, and Bucky is just confused. "Even your friend; Steve... You, Jane, you are the only one who never asked to be what you are..." He nods, mainly to himself. "I realise that, now."

Bucky doesn't actually know what to say. She still doesn't give a shit what this asshole thinks, but she's still "Jane" and not the Winter Soldier anymore. She still cares enough to feel sorry for what happened to his family. She's not totally heartless after everything she's been through.

Thankfully, Zemo doesn't seem to want to linger on the topic either and quickly clears his throat to speak again. "Unlike you, Jane, the girl has been radicalised beyond salvation. I tried to warn Sam, but he wouldn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him... But you, Jane... They literally programmed you to kill. Do what needs to be done. Do what Sam cannot. Do it for Sam. Karli has people everywhere and there is only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission..."

They both know this is just his last ditch effort - trying to get her to finish what he started - because he knows he doesn't have long left. He knows what Jane came here to do. He's oddly OK with it, even if he doesn't want to die yet. At least he will get to be with his beloved again.

Zemo looks confused when Bucky smiles and shakes her head. He really doesn't know her at all. What he thinks he knows are just mere snapshots of the Winter Soldier, if even that. He may hate supersoldiers, but Bucky isn't stupid, knows it doesn't end there, knows that if Zemo had his way, there would be no super-powered people left at all.

"I appreciate the insane advice, from one crazy person to another." Bucky tells him, wants to smirk, but instead is looking more serious as she then tells him, "But Sam and I have been through enough shit, so we're gonna keep doing things our way."

Bucky doesn't bother to look up, because she hears them coming long before he does.

Zemo nods, "I was afraid you would say that..." He then glances nervously down at the handgun that's been in her flesh hand this entire time. He glances back up at her steel blue gaze and nods, accepting.

Bucky slowly lifts the gun, aims it right at his left eye, stands just a couple of feet from him now. She grits her teeth, wanting so bad to kill this asshole as she pulls the goddamn trigger and nothing fucking happens...

Well, not nothing. Zemo unmistakably flinches, his eyes creasing shut. They're then instantly snapping open and staring widely back at her. He looks to be somewhere between relieved and shocked and confused.

Bucky swears she almost creams in her panties a little. Almost. Instead, she's smirking in satisfaction, her left gloved hand slowly rising. She opens her fist, lets him see the five bullets meant just for him. She's then letting them slip through her fingers and onto the ground at his feet just as she hears and feels the small Talon Fighter landing several meters behind her.

Zemo is slapping on a charming grin then when the Dora approach them. "Ladies, evening."

Bucky rolls her eyes. She takes a step back, but keeps an eye on him until Nomble and Yama are finally standing either side of him. She then relaxes, takes a few more steps back.

Zemo glances back to her. "I took the liberty of crossing my name off in your book." He says as they bind his wrists. "I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do... Goodbye, Jane. Best of luck to you."

Bucky knows he actually means that, but she doesn't say anything, doesn't feel the need to. She simply watches Nomble and Yama trot him back to the Talon Fighter and then watches Ayo approach her. "Thank you for that." She says once the warrior is stood in front of her. And she really means that.

Ayo simply nods and tells her, "We will take him to the Raft. Where he should have been from the start. And where he will live out the rest of his days."

Bucky simply nods back.

Ayo sighs, because she forgives her friend, but - "It would be wise... And prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf."

Bucky can see she isn't angry, just looks more concerned. Bucky nods again, shoots her an understanding look. "Fair enough." She says, even when it tears her insides up. These people are her family now. T'Challa has practically adopted her as his damn sister!

Ayo knows better, smiles softly, places a hand just as softly upon her vibranium shoulder. "We will see you again, Jane. Bast is with you, always. She is with us all."

Bucky can only nod once again, tries to muster up the best smile she can. However, she almost forgot with Zemo and then with Ayo, and now when Ayo is turning away from her, Bucky finally remembers - "Hey, Ayo..."

Ayo turns back to her, dark eyes silently questioning.

Bucky smiles sheepishly. "I may have another favour to ask..."


"I'm asking the Princess. And this one is for Sam..."

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