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"You should know, Baron -"

Bucky counts the two bodyguards standing behind Selby; includes the one escorting them into the back room; notes their weapons and then; calculates all possible exits, while predicting all the ways this situation could go wrong.

Selby waits for the door to close, then shoots him a pointed look as she says in that thick Londoner accent of hers, "People don't just walk into my bar and make demands."

Sam stands beside the couch on which she's sitting, notes the muscle behind him, glaring at him with his finger already on the trigger, just waiting for a command. He musters up his best glare back at the man, then turns to face the peroxide blonde and simply tries to look the part as he stays silent for the moment.

Bucky is still silent, still not having spoken since first arriving at the club. When Zemo goes to sit on the opposite couch, she stands behind him and keeps her menacing glare on the opposite wall, makes sure she also still looks the part. She knows she does, but it doesn't hurt to scare the shit out of people in situations like this. She keeps her hands at her sides, stands straight and waits for this to go sideways - like she knows it probably will.

Maybe, she thinks with brief content, Zemo will betray them (sooner than she thought) and she will get to kill him, like Sam promised.

(Well, sort of promised anyway...)

(...It's good enough for her.)

"No demands from me." Zemo says, gives her that charming smile of his. "More an offer."

Selby wants to snort - what could he possibly have to offer her that she doesn't already have or can't get herself? - but her curiosity gets the better of her (like it always does.) Instead, she says, "A lot's changed since you were here last." She glances briefly (curiously) at the Winter Soldier, then, turns back to the Baron and says, "I heard you were locked up for good in a German prison." She glances back to the Winter Soldier again, suspects she may have something to do with that, but she asks anyway, "How did you escape?"

"People like us always find a way. Do we not?" Zemo shoots her a mischievous smirk, then goes on to say, "I'm sure you already know why we are here."

Selby nods, but looks at Sam and smirks. "You're taller than I've heard... Smiling Tiger."

Bucky's eyes finally snap over at Selby, because she knows this bitch suspects something is up here (knows the woman isn't as stupid as she looks...) She purrs ridiculously at him and Bucky almost makes a face of derision, but quickly pulls her focus back to the wall she'd been glaring at instead.

Selby chuckles lightly when Sam shoots her an odd look, glances back to the Baron and finally asks, "Well, go on. What's the offer, then?"

Zemo slowly stands, looks down at her as he says, "Tell us everything you know about this new supersoldier serum -"

Sam watches him pause for dramatic effect, and has to bite his tongue (literally) over the next words he hears come out of the idiot's mouth. He makes a mental note to have more than a word with him after this - the first fucking chance he gets!

"And I will give her to you." Zemo motions to Bucky as he slowly walks over to her. He stands in front of her, pleased and smiling when she doesn't move a single muscle, doesn't even move her gaze. He glances to Selby and says, "Along with the code words to control her, of course." He turns back to face Bucky, his voice almost soft, but clearly teasing. "She will do anything." He reaches up with a gloved hand, gives her adorably dimpled chin a squeeze that's just as soft. He glances over his shoulder at Selby, smile widening. "Anything you desire."

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