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"OK, come on, bub, work for me. You're gonna work this time, I know it."

Bucky is grinning to herself as Sam talks to himself. She can hear him from below deck. She watches him jog back up onto deck and then into the cabin and then watches him try to start up the engine again.

Sam turns the keys and absolutely fucking nothing happens. Again. "Fuck! Fuck you, bub!" He hisses loudly, smacking his hands against the wheel.

Bucky sighs, places the screwdriver down and marches over to him. If she's helping him fix his boat up, she may as well actually help him, she thinks. She pulls the larger screwdriver from under her belt and bumps him out of the way with her hip. She smirks when he huffs, but moves aside. "Got something loose up here. I can hear it rattling."

Sam watches her for a moment and is then huffing out, "I'm gonna check the stupid engine again."

Bucky simply smirks to herself as he shuffles away.

For the next couple of hours then, Bucky repeats the process - waiting for Sam to get annoyed enough for him to almost give up on the task before coming to his rescue. And not because she's a nice person, Bucky wants to laugh at that. No, she just loves to watch him get so worked up, it's possibly one of her favourite things ever.

By the fourth hour of them working, Bucky sees Sam finally go back to that bit of dead wood still stuck to the poor rusted boat.

Today is possibly the day she has smiled the most since her days before HYDRA, it hasn't escaped her notice. That she is happy, actually fucking happy. So she is definitely not going to question anything. She's smiling again now, mostly with amusement as she watches him grab the crowbar up and straddle the side of the boat. He's got that cute little face of determination on, all frowns of concentration as he plugs the metal bar between the planks and tries with all his might to pull.

Bucky pauses her own work, simply stands and watches him from the other side of the deck. She waits until she finally has enough strength to keep from smirking before making her way over to help the poor guy.

Sam is too distracted to see her until she's standing beside him and already using her metal hand to rip the panel off with one quick pull. He tries to look grateful, but he knows he's probably glaring at her, or at least shooting her an "are you serious?" look.

Bucky wants to laugh, but instead manages a smile and a curt nod when he mumbles out his thanks.

With narrowed eyes, Sam watches her walk back to her side of the deck, just knows she's smirking that annoyingly (sexy) smug smirk of hers behind his back. "Maybe you could help me do the rest of them?" He lifts his leg back over and stands to face her and now he can see she's fucking smirking. "Or maybe you just like to watch the not-so-superhuman struggle his damn ass off."

Bucky can't contain a chuckle at that. She turns with a nod of admittance. "Maybe."

Sam scowls at her innocent smile. "Uh-huh." He turns his back to her then with a scoff and says, "Don't worry about me then."

Bucky chuckles again, slowly walks back over to him. "Well, if you're gonna be a martyr about it..." She stands beside him, bends down and effortlessly rips off another of the panels before tossing it aside with the rest of the (small) pile he's managed to build. "Happy now, Samuel?" She shoots him a pleasant smile as she reaches out with metal fingers and rips off the next one.

Sam uses all his willpower to bite back an amused smirk. Instead he nods, shoots her a pleasant smile in return and says, "Yes. Thank you, Jane." And then when she narrows her eyes at him ever so slightly, he finally does smirk. "Want another beer?"

My Name Is Bucky [FemBucky&Sam]Where stories live. Discover now