70 Years

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Sarah has enjoyed her time with her brother as they do the very last finishing touches to the boat. It feels just like it always has between them. And now that she realises, this is the first time since "The Blip" that they have spent real time alone together. Only now, Sam seems happier than she ever remembers seeing him and Sarah doesn't think it has much to do with getting that damn shield back. She thinks she suspects why that is as she listens to him when he tells her about how Bucky fixed this or helped him fix that around the boat, thinks she sees it every time his eyes light up just by saying the supersoldier's name.

He's obviously very smitten, Sarah thinks, suddenly grinning deviously to herself as she pauses her own work inside the cabin and watches him concentrate a little too hard on just painting the doors to the cabin - "that Bucky cut and fit herself. She's actually quite the carpenter." Sarah doesn't want to make things awkward, but it's not like Bucky is here. Plus, she's Sam's sister - they can talk about absolutely anything, have always been easily able to.

What's the harm? Sarah pulls her expression into a barely casual inquisitive one as she finishes the final coating and slips outside to join him. She puts down the small paint bucket, picks up a clean brush and dips it into the bucket he's holding and then quietly helps him, while she wonders briefly how to "poke about" in his "damn business."

"So..." Smooth, Sarah. It's all part of the "plan," she's merely humouring herself, if anything. Although, she has to surpress a smirk.

Sam barely looks up at her, seems mainly lost in thought - probably over Bucky, Sarah grins at that thought. "...So?"

Sarah rolls her eyes, clicks her fingers in front of his face and grins when he jumps and then glares up at her. "So, Samuel, what the hell happened to my front door and my bathroom sink?"

Sam scowls, goes back to his painting, and silently scolds himself when he speaks a little too quickly. "Bucky tripped over in the bathroom. Said she grabbed the sink for support."

Sarah arches a brow, he notes from his peripherals that she doesn't look so convinced. "A supersoldier tripped over?"

Sam is scowling still, but only because now that he thinks about it...

What was Bucky doing?

He's slightly confused, but mainly intrigued-knows he is going to have go get that little truth out of her and for some reason, it suddenly makes his skin hot. Thoughts of the night before, with her legs wrapped so tightly around his waist, with her looking down at him, wearing the most beautiful and serene look he has ever seen on her equally beautiful face then flood his mind and he has to quickly (forcefully) shove them down. And save them for later...

Sarah sees the slight pink on his cheeks, smirks broadly when he doesn't dare to look up at her, simply continues painting the same spot he's been painting for the last thirty seconds. "Mm-hm. OK, that's the sink." She decides to have at least a little mercy, just in case she doesn't feel like doing so any further into this conversation she's trying to have with him. "Now, what about the front door?"

"We were training. Little accident. I'll deal with it. Don't worry."

Sarah almost laughs at his choppy answers. Oh, no, you don't, she thinks. "If I actually believed that, you know I would beat your ass for messing so close to the house when I specifically told you I would beat your ass for doing so."

He shoots her a withering look, finally actually looking at her, but Sarah isn't feeling particularly tactful today. She wants answers, and definitely not because she wants to know if Bucky is actually single... Although, she thinks she already knows the answer to that.

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