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"So, you like it better this way."

Sam is too much of a chicken-shit to actually tell her that he likes how the ends curl ever so slightly and that he adores the annoyed little huffs she gives whenever she blows it out of her face. That he sometimes can't take his eyes off her neck because of it – and that he didn't know he had a thing for necks until he saw hers. That he's noticed she no longer uses it to hide behind – that she no longer hides at all.

"I didn't say that... exactly."

Bucky smirks – at how smooth he thinks he is being (which is also funny, because she knows he can be smooth if he wants to) – and says, "You didn't have to."

Sam shoots her a withering look. "Stop analysing me, Winter Creeper."

Bucky rolls her eyes at the never-ending Winter Soldier jokes, but she's mostly annoyed that it doesn't annoy her more than it probably should (anymore.) She shrugs, replies with, "Relax, not like I can read your mind... Not like the Little Red Witch. Or so I heard."

Sam snorts as he pushes himself further back into the couch to get a little more comfortable. "Yeah, well, I heard she's not so 'Little' on the Witch front anymore."

Bucky arches a brow, because yes – does he not remember – "Um, yeah... Her and that rocket-woman were the only two on the field that I saw making Thanos even give a shit we were fighting him... Until Stark snapped his finger, obviously."

Sam can't help chuckling, because it's true, and because – "Rocket-woman? Do you mean Captain Marvel?"

"I don't ask for names, just where the fight is." Bucky shrugs and she leans back into the couch right beside him, smirks at the quietly snoring Zemo as she lifts her dirty boots up and rests them on his lovely clean coffee table.

Sam chuckles as he watches her for a moment, then finally says, "Her name's Carol Danvers, just in case we ever meet her again. And yeah, the woman is literally a nuke in human form. But Wanda..."

He sighs loudly, shakes his head, and now, Bucky is curious enough to ask, "So, what happened?"

"After Tony's funeral, she went off the grid for a couple of months, even Strange couldn't get a location – said it's like she didn't even exist. Long story short: she lost her parents, lost her home, lost her twin brother, then, was forced to kill the love of her life to save the world, and then, had to watch him die all over again when Thanos did his thing with the Time Stone, and then, she was Blipped along with the rest of us..."

He knows Bucky at least knows about Vision, was there along side everyone else, that like her, Vision was under the protection of the Wakandans. Well, there until she wasn't anyway, just like Sam and so many others...

"When they found her, she'd taken over an entire town and its folks – somehow used her powers to 'rewrite reality' – probably why it so difficult to find her... She didn't even know what she was doing, she was just so blinded by her pain, she went along with it... Oh, Darcy also said she brought Vision back somehow... Or a version of him... And I think... I think they have kids now... Or they did have kids..." Sam frowns, shakes his head. "I'm still not clear on that part... Or any other part actually... Anyway, point is – I guess she levelled up... to God level..."

Bucky puffs out a laugh, but – "I get it, though." She smiles faintly when he turns his head to shoot her a questioning look. "If I had that kind of power, I'd do the same thing. Especially if I had nothing left. Sometimes it's better to live in a dream... Whenever HYDRA would wipe my mind – right before anyway – I'd focus my mind on Steve's face. I didn't remember who he was. I thought he must have just been a fantasy I cooked up to escape it all... But it did keep me from losing myself forever..."

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