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“Oh... My God! Is that who I think it is!?”

Not doing anymore than to check out the pretty brunette with a quick, but appreciative sideways glance, Bucky rolls her eyes as she turns back to bar to order another two beers. And now, she wishes even more, that she could get drunk - anything over having to listen to another woman flirt with Sam.

OK - so maybe she more than just “likes” Sam... maybe. (Definitely.)

And OK, maybe she is also slightly jealous of the fact that when people recognise the Falcon – they run towards him with admiration, rather than in the opposite direction with nothing but fear... The world may have “pardoned” her, but they will clearly never forget or fully trust her ever again. She can’t say she blames them one little bit, but that doesn’t stop it from hurting any.

Sam turns to face the woman and when he does, he feels slightly embarrassed for himself, because it’s not him she’s looking at. Wow, he thinks, annoyed with himself, he really needs to take his head out of his own ass. Honestly, he’s never been the “do you know who I am?” type of diva, but since the defeat of Thanos, it seems he’s been rocketed straight to stardom.

The woman’s eyes are a deep brown that almost matches his own and glazed over as she clutches her half empty glass in one hand and her phone in the other. He can tell she’s quite drunk, but she quickly notices him looking at her and smiles brightly at him, too.

“Mr. Falcon, sir –“

Bucky swallows a scoff as she gulps down her beer, keeps her back facing them both. Fuck, she thinks, he’s turning her into a brat. A brat with a stupid crush. A stupid crush that’s stupid and that she shouldn’t even be having. (Let alone entertaining.)

“I don’t mean to sound rude – my brothers are huge fans of yours, but I was just wondering...”

She trails off, and Sam’s taken a back slightly by how fast she talks, barely understands with the slurs making it even more difficult. However, he sees her eyes trail back to Bucky and he can’t help the grin that slides across his face. She looks rather timid, almost shy now as she stares rather hopefully. He doesn’t say anything yet, though. He wants to be polite, of course, but mainly, he just wants to see Bucky’s reaction.

She glances back to Sam, sees him smiling and waiting patiently for her to continue. She smiles bravely back and just says what she wants to say. “I was wondering – if it’s not too much trouble – if I could get a selfie with, um, the Win – ah, Miss Sargeant Barnes?”

Sam smirks when he sees Bucky freeze, with her hand halfway through lifting her seventh beer bottle back up to her mouth. He watches her for a second, then looks at the woman again and says, “Why don’t you come ask her yourself while I order us a round?”


Sam chuckles at the woman’s rather endearing excitement, ignores Bucky shooting him a glare as he makes enough space between them. “Buck, I think you got an admirer here with Miss –“

“Jane.” She smiles proudly as she glances briefly at him and then back to the only Jane that matters to her in this moment – she may never get another chance to meet the woman.

Sam chuckles, shoots Bucky a small, but clearly flirtatious smirk. “Of course. Cute.”

Bucky discretely rolls her eyes at him, only making him grin. She finally places her near empty bottle down and easily slaps on a polite and slightly flirty look of her own. She notices Jane’s eyes on her metal hand and grins even wider as she lifts it up and holds it out. “Nice to meet you.”

My Name Is Bucky [FemBucky&Sam]Where stories live. Discover now