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I went to a county fair with my aunt the first year that I lived with her. It was my first time going to a fair or riding any rides for that matter. In my early teenage years I sought out anything that could give me a high— adrenaline or otherwise.

So it wasn't surprising that I wanted to ride everything that was deemed as "scary". One of the first rides we got on was one that you sat in like a chair and it strapped you in tightly over your shoulders. It shot you straight up into the air, then it stopped and let you take in the view. It was a calming feeling that put you at ease enough to forget about the one thing that was yet to come.

Once you felt comfortable, your body relaxing against the straps holding you into the seat, the ride dropped you straight down without a warning.

The initial shock of it was too much to even get out a scream. My mouth fell open but nothing would come out— it felt like my breath was pulled straight out of my lungs.

I felt my stomach flip, a free fall floating sensation settling into my stomach momentarily before subsiding and allowing the adrenaline to kick in.

I've only felt that feeling during the ride and sometimes when going too fast down big dips in the road.


That's really the only way it seems I can describe it.

The turning feeling in your stomach. The shake in your hands from the high of it. The way your heart picks up pace instantly.

That's how being with Harry feels. It feels like every muscle, every nerve in my body reacts to him in a way that I can't control. My veins feel like they have electricity coursing through them. I physically can't hold still unless I'm touching him.

I feel alive with him. I feel the most like myself than I ever have. I finally feel like I'm becoming the person that I have been searching my entire life for.

I feel like I've finally found who I'm meant to be.

"We should get out there." Harry mumbled from where he was still laying his head against my forehead.

I opened my eyes to see his still shut, his worried expression from only a minute before was now gone as we stood holding each other.

"Out there on the dance floor, or out of here?" I questioned, Harry's eyes opening as he pulled back to look at me fully.

"Out there." A bit of a smile played at his lips. "You were right. I just needed to calm down. Todd and my father won't do anything in public— at least not in front of the guests. The gun show upstairs was just Todd trying to hav a power move over you. We'll be okay down here where all of the guests are." His head tilted to the side, a beautiful smile resting on his lips. "We can't leave without a dance, can we?"

My eyes widened, "Harry, if your father sees me dance he might decide to shoot me himself. I'm awful! I'm sure Millie just told me I had learned enough because she realized I was a lost cause."

Harry let out a laugh, "You're so dramatic."

I deadpanned at him, my eyes squinting. Though, I couldn't faux my anger for long. The look on his face had my heart swimming in a warm gushy feeling.

"Dance with me?" A toothy grin was on his face as he stepped backwards from me, my hands falling down to my sides.

But Harry was quick to catch my hand in his, his eyes shimmering under the dim lights as he moved further away.

How could I ever say no to that face?

"Fine." I grumbled, "But if I step on your toes, we're stopping the dance immediately."

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