1- Loops✔

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Link opens his eyes, he appears to be in a dim lighted room, the origin for the source of light is unclear, but at least it allows him to see in front of him, the floor seems to be flooded, making it seem like he is standing on water.

I cannot believe this, everything I have done up to this point was for nothing? I mean come on, I killed a giant spider, I roosted an angry lizard on steroids, and was eaten by a whale that had an intestinal parasite, ALL THAT FOR THIS? So that red head motherfucker could follow me inside the sacred realm and put me out of the game indefinitely... fuck, now what?

[flash of a very angry Saria crossing her arms]

"Seriously? I was NOT speaking, I was thinking, am I not allowed to think cuss words either? You know... I never told you, but that shit you used to tell me: ¨if you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all¨ IS BULLSHIT. Now all the Kokiri think I am mute, because I never found anything nice to say to them or about them, and how could there be? they treated me like a slaughter animal just because I had no fairy"

Breathes deeply and continues to rant, "yes, I am angry, I was put in a hard situation and I have no say about any of this... I can't just back out of it either because that would mean the death of thousands, and you know what? YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER, I am not obligated to follow your teachings... SO I CAN SAY WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANNA SAY, besides it is not like anybody is going to hear me here..."

"I would not be so sure about that" says a shadow that starts taking human form in front of him.

All right... now I am going looney, because fuck me, right? am I scared? YES, I ALWAYS AM, but I push through it.

"What the...?" Link asks to himself

"Listen, I need to discuss something important with you and we don't have much time"


The figure took a deep breath massaging his temples, anything to keep himself from beating the boy for wasting their limited time.

"LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, we barely have enough time to waste it like this, so pay attention, I am... no, WE all here are you"

Suddenly more figures start materializing on the background, 10? No, there were many more approaching him, they all looked strong and capable, a few of them had a dangerous vibe around them. Every single one of the figures were different, but oddly similar at the same time, all except one.

Is... all this happening in my head? It must be, there is NO WAY people who resemble me are spawning into existence out of the shadows.

"Wow..." Link starts clapping "nice job casting people for the joke, except for that one over there" points at a heavily armored Stalfos, "what happened? Ran out of budget?"

Everyone turns to stare at Link, they were very angry, but they don't resort to act on it by yelling or some more extreme measures, and for some reason that fact unnerved Link, watching all eyes on him he notices differences between them, in age, size, even eye and hair color, yet all of them looked tired and sad... suddenly all eyes shift to the same color, a grey tone with a splash of azure blue mixed in it. Intimidated, Link gives a step back.

"I... must be delirious, or Ganondorf actually killed me."
"No, of course not, it may have been better though..." answers one of the figures while receiving a punch in the gut from another one, Link just stares at them in shock at what he just heard.

Me, better off DEAD? Why? I have done EVERYTHING that was asked of me, the civilians needed extra hands, I was there; the Princess needed a crazy kid to play hero, I WAS THERE. I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING...

"I thought you were on my side, why do you wish for my demise?" Link asks genuinely
"We DON'T" another figure says, and glares at the figure that spoke before, "he meant it would have been better because it would save us all a lot of suffering, but dying is not an option." breathes deeply "Look... all of us here are what happens after your adventure, multiple versions of you, different time lines but the same soul."

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