Chapter 3

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Christmas was in three weeks. AEW was in Florida this week. Hayley was standing outside the arena watching the sunset and had just finished talking to Lucas. Sam came rolling up to her on his skateboard.

"Hi Sam." She said.

"Hi Hayley." "How are you today?"

"Can't complain." "How about you?"

"Pretty good."

"Lucas is looking forward to meeting you next week."

"I'm looking forward to it to." "I feel like I know everything about him already."

"I hope I get to meet Priscilla soon." "How are you guys doing?"

"We've talked about divorcing."

"It's gotten that bad?"


"I'm sorry."

"Are you planning on getting on the tour bus after the show tonight?"


Later that night after the show, Hayley and Sam were in the back of the bus playing cards. While everyone else was getting drunk. Neither Hayley or Sam drank. Hayley had just flat out decided no alcohol from a young age. Sam lived a straight edge lifestyle, meaning no drinking, drugs or smoking.

"Damn, that's the third game in a row." Sam said having lost all three. Hayley laughed. Sam's cell phone rang. "It's Priscilla." He went into the bathroom to take the call.

Hayley got on her phone. Ten minutes later Sam came back out. He sat back down with a frustrated look on his face.

"Are you ok?" Hayley asked.


A week later they were in San Francisco. Hayley was taking Lucas through catering at the arena and introducing him to everyone.

"Sam." Hayley said as they went over to him. "This is Lucas."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Lucas said.

"It's nice to meet you to." Sam said. They shook hands

After the show they all went out for coffee. Lucas was telling Sam about his injury that forced him to retire.

"I broke my neck during a match one night." He said. After a lengthy recovery, I made my return and broke my neck again, two weeks after." "I was told I could never wrestle again."

"That sucks." Sam said "We're you guys together then?"

"We met a week before he was told he couldn't wrestle anymore." Hayley said.

Sam thought Lucas was a nice guy.

Hayley and Lucas went back to their house. They were making out on the bed getting ready to have sex. He was on top of her.

"I have nothing to worry about." Lucas thought. "Sam's a fucking nerd." "Hayley would never be interested in that pipsqueak."

Lucas broke the kiss and looked at her.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

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