Chapter 55

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Hayley and Sam had been back together for a month They'd turned the guest room Hayley was staying in into the nursery. She was happy to be back with him. Even if she never got her full memory back, she was looking forward to making new ones. She still hadn't told him she loved him. She didn't know what but something was holding her back. She was upstairs She heard the front door open

"I'm home." Sam called. Hayley went downstairs. She could tell Sam had something behind his back. "Hi."

"Hi." "What's behind your back?"

"I had a present made for Harlie." He brought it out from behind his back. It was a mini pink skateboard

"Aw, that's so cute." "She's wearing a helmet when you start teaching her."

"I know." "Wanna go get some dinner?"

"Yes, we're starving."

After they got back from dinner they were laying on the couch. He put his head on her stomach.

"Hi." Sam said. "Did you enjoy your dinner?" "Only three more months until we get to see how beautiful you are." "We can't wait." "We already love you so much."

"Your room is all ready for you to come." Hayley said. "I hope you like it.

The following week it was a Thursday. Sam was on a flight home. Hayley had just got out of the shower. As she dried off she noticed blood on the towel. She immediately panicked and frantically drove herself to the hospital.

When Sam got home he turned on his phone. He had a very panicked voicemail from Hayley, saying to come to the hospital as soon as he could. She said something could be wrong with the baby.

He drove to the hospital as fast as he could. He ran into her room and hugged her.

"What's wrong with the baby?" He asked worried.

"I was bleeding but they stopped it." "The baby is fine." "They want to keep me overnight to make sure it doesn't start again."

"Are you ok?"

"I was really scared." "I thought I was losing her."

"I was scared to."

Sam being there finally made her feel comfortable. "I love you Sam."

"I love you too Hayley."

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