Chapter 27

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Hayley was returning to the ring in a little over a month. She was returning at All Or Nothing, almost exactly a year to the day of her injury. Of course the public had no idea. Hayley's birthday was today. It was early in the morning. Hayley was still asleep. Sam came in with a TV tray.

"Hayley, wake up, breakfast." He said. She opened her eyes and sat up. "Happy birthday." He said putting the tray in front of her.

"Aw, baby, you didn't have to." "Thank you." She kissed him.

"You're welcome." He got in bed next to her. She took a bite of her pancake. "Good?"


"I'm taking you to dinner tonight."

"You don't have to." "We can just chill out here."

"I want to take you out."

"Alright." "I'm thinking about dying my hair."

"What color?"

"Black." "I figure it'll go with my new heel character when I go back to work."

"I think it'll look nice."

Later that afternoon Hayley had showered and dyed her hair black. She was in the bathroom and had just shut off the hairdryer.

"Sam come here." She called. He came upstairs and into the bathroom. "So?"

He smiled. "You look beautiful."


"Yeah." "Sexy as hell

Later that night they'd just came back from dinner.

"I'm gonna go change into my pajamas." She said.

"Ok." She went upstairs. He went to the pantry and got a cake he'd hid. He took it out of the box and lit the candles. A few seconds later he heard coming down the stairs. "Come here Hayley." She went into the kitchen. He sang happy birthday to her.

When she blew out the candles, she saw a plastic blue ring with the word "Someday" on it. "Aw." She said smiling. "That's so sweet." She picked it up and rinsed it off. "Where did you get it?"

"Online." "I know you don't like to wear jewelry, you don't have to wear it."

"Other then when I wrestle, I'll never take it off." She put it on. "I love it." "I love you." They kissed.

"I love you too."

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